Major League IV: Ed Harris Teaches Takahashi the Shine Ball

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Snoop Manuel tried the same thing as Lou Brown on Thursday … but nobody wanted to see Jeff Wilpon naked.  Hence, oh-fer-3 coming out of the break.  But hey, at least they scored this time (well, Ike Davis scored).  And at least Oliver Perez pitched passably in Buffalo on the very day that Hisanori Takahashi reverted to “Ken” status, no doubt clearing the way for Perez to make his grand return to the majors on his white horse and save the day.  Hooray?

Hopefully, someone in Buffalo taught him control before he kills somebody.

Hopefully, Jose Reyes actually comes back on Monday so Ruben Tejada can learn how to get in front of the ball.

And hopefully, Jason Bay can become high priced talent … instead of being just high priced.

Dedicated to the memory of James Gammon.  Someone in heaven said “I think you can go get him now.”

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