Meet The Blogger – Lowetide


Today we take a look at one of the best, if not the best, Oilers bloggers out there. You know him as Lowetide, the man behind the wonderful He’s also a contributor to Oilersnation, and has his own show, the Lowedown with Lowetide on TSN 1260.

When I wake up in the morning, and around dinner time out here in Boston, I check one website, and it’s There is nothing quite like getting LT’s thoughts and opinions on the Oilers to start the day off and unwind with following a long day of work as I eat dinner at my computer (Yeah, it’s busy in this house). His work on Oilersnation is top notch too, and some of my favorite stuff.

On top of that, he’s a great guy. Personally, he was willing to explain some stuff to me last summer when I started this blog, and he’s been extremely helpful to all of us here over the time we’ve been up and running. In addition to being a great writer, and basically the writer I look up to, he’s a guy that greatly helped me get this thing rolling last June.

Enough from me though, let’s hear from the man himself, shall we? We were able to catch up with LT and get his answers to our questions.

When did you start writing about hockey? What got you into it?

When my kids were small, this is late ‘90s, we were home nights way more than before we had children. So, I had lots of time to do stuff in-house and began hunting for an Oilers fansite. Happened upon HFboards, and became a moderator there because old age. I met and moderated damn near every blogger on the internet lol, although Louise (Ice_Dragoon) moderated me so she’s the queen of all. Smile About 2003 or so, my daughter asked me if she could blog (she was 7) and I said “no” thinking it would cost money. As it turned out, it was free! And I really found that I liked it, learned from others and the posters who would stop by. So, I guess hfboards, the blog and the community online.

Are there any writers that you look up to? If so, who are they and why?

Many. I can’t name them all, but all of the blogs and lots of the regular media. I don’t read them as much as I used to because of time, but blogs rock. The games and blogs/analytics are a deadly and wonderful combination.

If you could give any advice to people interested in getting into writing about sports…what would it be?

I always wanted to write, and one day my Mom asked me what I wanted to do (I was maybe 16). I said “be a writer” so she bought me a Smith-Corona and about 4,000 pages of foolscap and said “a writer writes. Haul ass.” That’s about it.

Do you specialize in types of writing (analytic posts, post/pre game blogs, prospects, opinion pieces…all of the above)?

I’m not really sure what I do. I do stuff.

Do you have a favorite article that you’ve written or one that got a lot of positive feedback or criticism? Tell me a bit about it.

My favorite article? Hmmmm. Probably one of the RE’s, those are the ones I personally enjoy writing the most.

What sites do you currently write for? Favorite team(s)?

Lowetide, Oilers Nation, Puckrant and Bleacher Report. Oilers. Everyone else can piss off.

Where can we find you on social media? Twitter/Facebook etc


Big thanks to Lowetide for his time and responses, as always a pleasure to read! Of course, he brings and chuckle along with a few things and keeps it fresh and entertaining. Love the “everyone else can piss off” line, and I tend to agree when it comes to rooting for teams. I’ll have soft spots for other teams, and buy other players jerseys, but can’t flat out root for another squad. Not in my DNA.

If you’re an Oilers fan and haven’t read LT’s stuff yet, get right over to one of the sites he writes for and get enlightened…like right now.

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