New Moon Monday – Accountability and Missed Opportunities


When I wrote the gameday blog on Wednesday before Edmonton’s victory over Colorado, I mentioned how the Oilers were approaching a four game set where 3-1-0 should be the expectation. Three games into the set, and that is no longer a possibility. The Oilers are 1-1-1 and dropped both games against Arizona this past weekend.

You can argue, and I’d be willing to listen, that the Oilers outplayed the Coyotes on Sunday and deserved a better result. That said, the bottom line is Edmonton missed an opportunity to feast on the NHL’s 30th place club and came away with only one standings point. If the Oilers want to be a playoff club come April, that simply is not good enough.

My biggest issue is how Edmonton made it so easy for Mike Smith and the Coyotes. On Friday night, the Oilers were simply outworked and were lucky to even come away with a point. On Sunday, until the third period at least, Smith was able to see everything coming his way and really didn’t face many quality chances.

The Oilers may have won the Corsi and the shot battle, but in the end they really didn’t test the goaltender. I don’t care if you get 42 shots on goal, when only three or four of them are quality you won’t win many hockey games. Edmonton found that out the hard way again on Sunday. They again made life too easy for an opposing goaltender.

It’s nice that we can be frustrated about this weekend, seriously. The Oilers are actually a much better hockey team than Arizona and they should be expected to beat them. Believe it or not, the Oilers should be held to a higher standard than years past. That’s why this weekend is discouraging, missing out on two points on Sunday keeps Edmonton right with the pack in the Pacific, a spot that is quite frankly not ideal.

The Oilers had a chance to gain some ground and create a little separation this weekend against a poor opponent and they failed to do so. That’s part of growing as a team, but it’s still a little discouraging and it needs to be talked about. I’d label Tuesday’s game against Toronto as a must win hockey game for this club, seriously. They can’t afford to leak points against teams like that.

Eberle, soft a hot butter


I’m a fan of Jordan Eberle, I own his jersey and he’s been my favorite Oiler since he entered the NHL in the fall of 2010, actually if we are being honest probably even before that. When Eberle is on his game, he has a game breaking ability to put the puck in the net. Problem is, he isn’t on his game right now.

Eberle’s offensive output has been inconsistent this season, but the boxcars suggest a strong season is unfolding in that regard. Defensively, however, Eberle has been a train wreck this year. In fact, I’d go as far as to call him a liability on most nights. That, to me, can’t happen with a player who is in such a big role.

On Sunday, Eberle made another lazy defensive mistake that allowed Jamie McGinn to easily score the game winning goal in Arizona’s 2-1 victory. There were other issues on the play, including Darnell Nurse losing a battle, but Eberle simply failed to mark his man yet again. There wasn’t even a battle to lose on that play. Ouch.

Eberle didn’t see the ice, at least I didn’t see him, after the gaffe. It’s the second time he’s been benched by Todd McLellan, and rightfully so, this season. I think it is time for a game or two in the pressbox for Eberle. Seriously, enough is enough. It’s time for accountability with Eberle.

I know a large portion of Edmonton’s fanbase will cry that I’m picking on poor Eberle and that I’m making him a scapegoat. Ironically this is the same portion that would run Benoit Pouliot out of town if they had the option. If Pouliot was playing bad enough to warrant pressbox time, and he was, then Eberle is too.

I’m not going to run Eberle out of town, he’s a useful player and is part of the solution, but he needs to be held accountable and put on the right track. His defensive mistakes are impacting games in a negative way now. Enough is enough.

If I were the head coach, both Eberle and Drake Caggiula (who quite frankly doesn’t look ready for the NHL just yet) would be sitting in the pressbox come Tuesday night. Benoit Pouliot is awfully close to another stint in the gondola in my mind too.

It looks like only half of my wish will be fulfilled however.

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