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The Mets’ strategy of bringing a gazillion owners in at a smaller price rather than one big owner who will try to gut them and take over the team only to be fined Jason Bay money for insider trading hasn’t been working all too well. But reports of one potential savior has come out as Steven Cohen, a billionaire investor (who I’m reminded by a good friend was a former applicant for a larger stake in the Mets but backed out and was found to be just as corrupt as the rest of the billionaires), seems ready to have an ownership stake in the New York Mets.

But as always, there’s a catch

Steven Cohen, the billionaire investor trying to buy the Dodgers, is on the verge of becoming a minority owner in his hometown New York Mets. The deal would not preclude Cohen from pursuing the Dodgers, according to two people familiar with the transaction but not authorized to discuss it. (…) If Cohen were to buy the Dodgers, he would have to sell his stake in the Mets.

So the Mets are the girl who gets dumped for the prom queen, eh? Typical. They finally find somebody rich enough to take over the whole team one day and he has his eye on the prettier girl all along. Maybe the Mets “braintrust” can sell him on the fact that buying a piece of the Mets is really like buying a piece of the Dodgers. They’ll even bring back the inventory of Koufax jerseys and put them back near the front of the clubhouse store. Or maybe the Wilpons will just give him a bigger stake so that they can try to buy the Dodgers. “Hey look, it’s almost like Ebbets Field!

Or could buy a stake, sell it back if he gets the Dodgers, and the Mets can charge $119 million in “interest” so they can re-sign Jose Rey … oh wait.

Perhaps Cohen, like Einhorn, will be arrested for money laundering, ponzi schemes, or general principle for even coming in contact with the Wilpons. Then we can all rest easier for dodging yet another bullet.

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