Odd Man Rush Episode 5: Red Deer or Quebec City


In Episode 5 of Odd Man Rush, we’re joined by our very own Bret Litke, along with almost-lifelong Oilers fan Alex Becigneul, to talk about what the Oilers should do at the deadline, what the Oilers jerseys should look like next year, and whether or not there should be a third NHL team in Alberta (Red Deer can handle it, right?)

We learned that Bret really hates Red Deer (which certainly cost him points in the shootout), Alex wouldn’t buy a jersey with Connor’s face on it, and that a combination of Milan Lucic and twitter fans is what’s dragging the team down – it’s certainly not Kris Russell.

We’ve started a GOAT feature, where our guests are asked a question and have to pick a current Oiler and defend their selection. I, obviously, chose Connor McDavid as the best Oiler thus far this season. Our other choices were Cam Talbot and Adam Larsson. As always, we have a twitter poll for you, and we’d love it if you weighed in.

Next month, we have a very special guest planned (as long as we can work it out with our production company), and you’ll get to meet one of the Rig’s most prolific writers.


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