Officiating Recap Buffalo Sabres Oct 16


As part of the officiating review process, I’ll be posting individual game results here as well as the source data.

I’ve already published a general review of the data thus far which you can find here. The following series of articles is to provide brief in-game analysis as well as publishing the source data for anyone to check.

The first game I’ll detail in this officiating review recap is the Buffalo game from Oct. 16th.

The Oilers dropped that game 6-2 in a lacklustre showing.

Referees for that evening were Tim Peel and Brad Watson.

The most frequently targeted Oiler was Jordan Eberle, the most pugnacious being Eric Gryba.

The most pugnacious Sabre was Jake McCabe.

The Oilers committed 8 uncalled infractions and received 8 penalties, 3 of which were classified as weak.

The Sabres committed 11 uncalled infractions and were penalized 3 times, none of which were classified as weak.

Here are some visualizations of the data and game state.

Below is a graph of the relative rates of infractions committed versus those called. For this data set I removed weak uncalled infractions to help weed out bias and noise.

Officiating Recap Buffalo Sabres Oct 16

Here is a chart that illustrates the general trend of game play, when infractions were committed and by which team. Penalized infractions are in red.

Officiating Recap Buffalo Sabres Oct 16

And below, the raw data.


Oct 16th, 2016 EDM BUF
Missed or Called Severity (0, 1, 2, 3) Physical or Technical Type By # Against # By # Against # Time
M 2 P CC 27 22 18:54
M 1 T Int ? ? 17:31
M 1 T Hk 97 90 14:43
C 2 P H St 67 47 13:35
M 2 T Un 27 6:13
C 1 T Tr 67 90 :44
M 2 P CC ? 23 18:39
M 1 T Int 14 4 17:07
M 3 T Tr 44 26 11:11
M 2 P Sl 93 47 8:28
M 3 P H st 4 52 8:05
M 1 T Hk 62 23 1:27
M 2 P Sl 14 29 19:45
M 2 T Dl Gm 40 19:40
M 1 P Sl 6 63 17:14
C 1 T Tr 62 23 15:44
C 2 P R 62 29 15:44
C 2 P R 62 29 15:44
M 2 T Hk 14 ? 15:22
C 2 T GI 19 40 11:37
C 2 P H St 62 23 8:05
C 3 P Sl 51 23 7:38
M 1 P Sl 55 6 6:07
C 1 P R 25 27 6:02
C 2 P R 25 27 6:02
C 2 T Tr 15 6 5:39
M 2 P Sl 19 40 3:35
M 2 P CC 14 77 2:09
M 2 T Tr 14 77 2:09
M 1 P Sl 62 63 :49


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