Oh Captain My Captain – Ference Takes Over


After nearly three weeks off and fresh off a well needed beach vacation I’m refreshed and back to rant and complain again. I arrived home to watch the Oilers win over Florida and secure their first three game winning streak of the season. I also spent time watching some of the games I missed while I was away and besides the winning I noticed something that I thought was very positive, I noticed Andrew Ference being a captain.

When Andrew Ference was named captain I was a little shocked. I talked about the idea of the Sherwood Park native being given the C but I quickly dismissed the thought with the notion that this was Taylor Hall’s team and he would be the man to lead this young Oilers team this season and beyond. But lately I’ve been quite happy with Ference’s play and his willingness to do what it takes and say what needs to be said.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQVh69CTDqg]

On the ice Ference fought Lee Stempniak in a game against the Calgary Flames (Watch Above), when asked about the fight he was quoted as saying “…like I said there’s no shortage of frustration around here, good reason to go,” He said that with a smile, knowing that the team had won the game and may have had something to do with it. The fight, a one sided one I might add, was in response to a hit he took from Stempniak and he dropped the mitts to let the Flames players know he wouldn’t be taking and crap so to speak.

Two games later against Florida, Panthers forward Scottie Upshall had been running around all night. Upshall was chirping Dubnyk and others all game, and finally Ference had enough, He dropped his gloves and proceeded to introduce his knuckles to Upshall’s face. He did this because he again wanted to let the opposing team know that that sort of play was unacceptable and the Oilers would have none of it.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgprHRHeRV8]


Fighting isn’t all he’s been doing to lead this team, he’s consistent in his effort on the ice every night, even on nights when he’s not performing as well one thing that I’m not able to fault him for is his effort. He tends to make the smart play when needed and while maybe not the best defenseman he is for the most part steady on the blue and seems to be getting better as the season moves on.

Part of the early struggles with the team and individually for Ference I believe were cause in part to the new system that the team is trying to master and the pressure he most likely places on himself being the captain of the team he grew up cheering for. All that being said, lately there’s been an improvement and I think Ference’s presence in the dressing room is playing a role in the recent successes of the team. You only need to look at some of the quotes from the Captain to realize he knows that the team needs to get better and is trying to set an example for the younger players on how to improve and start care more about team successes than individual ones. He’s honest with the media and while I can’t say for sure he’s most likely just as honest in the dressing room.

Here are some more recent quotes from the Captain;

November 14th after a morning practice he spoke about the teams need to relax and to “Focus on the fact that we never see anybody play their best hockey when they’re carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, or nervous, scared to lose” the next night the team lost 3-1 to the Sharks but turned the tide the next night and won their first of three against the Calgary Flames.

November 19th after a 7-0 win against the Columbus Blue Jackets Ference said something that I think is a significant look into his feelings about the personnel on the team and his desire to help them improve;
“..Very positive to see, not just guys cherry picking and looking for their points”, This is an important quote because Ference realizes that the young core can sometime get so carried away trying to get their stats up that they sometimes forget about backchecking and playing on the defensive side of the puck.

Last night after the loss to the Chicago Blackhawks he talked about the “Litmus Test” against the Hawks, a game in which they lost 5-1. When asked about the result he says “..suggests that we still have a lot of work to do…it’s obvious before this game and after this game as well,” It again shows that he knows that the team needs to continue to practice the system Coach Eakins is putting in place, learn it and work on executing in properly.

In fact, my favorite interview of the season from Ference was when he was the guest on CBC’s after hours after the game against Detroit, a day that was probably the lowest moment so far in the Oilers season, he laid it all out and it made for some great listening. He talks about systems, players concentrating on improving their individual defensive game, holding themselves accountable and breaking bad habits. He talks about the kids following the system and giving a good effort night in and night out.

The question that really stood out to me that night was when he was asked by Scott Oake if he thought because of the recent history of the team in he felt that losing might be becoming engrained on the team, his reply was perfect “I’m not even sure what that means…it’s a matter of breaking bad habits ,up to the individuals to break those habits, and buy in to a new way of playing” He went on to describe a little more about the mood in the dressing room and what the players are saying then said this “words are nothing you have to do it”

All of these things, the hitting, the fighting, the responsible play on the ice and the honest demeanor of the Ference are exemplifying the role of captaincy for the Oilers and prove the Dallas Eakins in fact made the right decision when naming the 14th captain in Oilers history. This is Andrew Ference’s team.

Thanks for reading.


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