Oilers Gameday – vs. Jets


It’s the game before Christmas, and the Oilers look bad

The Jets are in town to make Oiler fans sad.

The goals aren’t as plentiful as five games ago,

After his hatty, Korpi has exactly zero.


They can’t clear the zone, the breakout’s a mess

Maybe they need to just try to do less.

The D’s a disaster and Davidson’s hurt,

Is it too much to ask for both Klefbom AND Nurse?


Our goalies aren’t great, but that’s nothing new

In fact, Nilsson’s stolen one game or two.

Talbot looks good, when he doesn’t look bad

Maybe tonight, a home win will be had?


The young guys look decent and Drai is on fire,

But the vets, oh the vets, they sure raise some ire.

Jultz keeps on Jultzing and it’s painful to watch,

The simplest of plays he can’t help but botch.


Fayne’s been so bad he’s been in Bakersfield,

Maybe the trip will show us he’s healed?

Gazdic’s been awful and Gryba not great,

It’s too bad they’re not someone else’s bottom 8


It’s not all been bad, there’s been some bright spots

And fans were surprised when Drai scored lots and lots

But he’s playing with Hall, who’s so good in blue

It’s no wonder that they are numbers one and two.


Ebby came back from injury, it’s true

And it’s taken a while for the rust to come loose.

But man, when he’s flying, what a sight to behold

He’s in the core of his team, and his name is household.


Baby Nuge plays too soft, according to Spec

But he plays tough minutes and takes crosschecks.

He’s not scoring a ton, but his presence is felt

He should be an Oiler and I hope he’s not dealt.


Taylor Hall is my fave, if you didn’t know

I firmly believe he’s as pure as the snow.

He’s been playing lights out, and carrying the team

And still people want him gone, like a dream.


I don’t have much to say about the Jets,

But I’m pretty sure they’re as tough as it gets.

Big Buff is a menace and he’s scary as hell

I hope Baby Nuge plays against him well.


If they let Cam Talbot catch sight of the puck

Maybe tonight they’ll have better luck.

They should score on the PP, at least once or twice

If not, the result won’t be very nice.


These Oilers are ours, for better or worse

And we know what it’s like when they make us curse.

But fear not Oiler fans, for there’s good news for you

Yak returns soon, and McDavid too.


Remember last week when they won six in a row?

Imagine doing that with McDavid in tow.

Things will get better, we just have to believe

After all, tonight is Christmas Eve-Eve-Eve-Eve.


It’s been another hard year, but in the game tonight

I predict the Oilers will put up a good fight,

And win 4-3 (in a shootout of course),

And Oiler fans all will cheer themselves hoarse.


From all of us here at The Oilers Rig

We hope that your holidays end with a jig

And that you’ll join us on Feb 26

For a fundraiser event to help end MS.


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