After 30yrs the Oilers Are the NHL’s Mickey Mouse Organization


It was 30yrs ago today that Gretzky had this 8pt night vs a Devils team who had just 2 wins in their 1st 20 games at that point. Ho hum, the Oilers won 13-4…THIRTEEN. In one night on a cold November, 30yrs ago, the Oilers scored 13 goals in a game. Hard to imagine they’ve scored 11 goals (12 if you count a SO winner vs the…wait for it THE DEVILS!!) all of this year at home in 5 games. The most interesting part of that night wasn’t the Oilers winning by 3 field goals but what Gretzky said later, after the game.

“Well, it’s time they got their act together. They’re ruining the whole league. They had better stop running a Mickey Mouse organization and put somebody on the ice.”

Wayne Gretzky Skates by New Jersey Devils Fans

And we laughed & laughed. Gretzky to a man publicly rescinded his comments but we all knew he was right, much like Lars Eller was sort of right about this team a few weeks ago in Montreal. Man how times have changed. New Jersey is no longer the Mickey Mouse Organization & including that 1983-84 season, the 2 teams have the following records:

New Jersey Devils 1122 wins 892 losses 205 ties 41 OTL 36 SOL 16 playoff berths 5 Cups
Edmonton Oilers 1043 wins 946 losses 206 ties 56 OTL 45 SOL 21 playoff berths 3 Cups

Both decent franchises overall, right, well sort of. Since the Oilers last won the Cup in 1990 they’ve made the playoffs a whopping 9 times…NINE. That’s nine times in the last 22 attempts, for those keeping track. How have the Devils fared since 1990? Well, they’ve only made the playoffs in 19 of those 22 years, so Mickey Mouse.

So, on this day, in honor of Gretzky’s comments from 30 yrs ago, I pass the ears to one Kevin Lowe, who not only was a part of that era of championships, but is now actually running a real to life Mickey Mouse Organization of his own.
So on that note I send this letter, while paraphrasing Great One to Kevin Lowe, President of Oilers Hockey Operations:

Dear Kevin,

It’s time you get your act together, Kevin. 9 playoff berths in the last 22 years is not enough. You’ve been apart of this management group since 1998 & in those 15yrs, Kevin, the Oilers have made the playoffs 5 times, 5 times, 5 times, 5 times, 5 times. Now you may think that you know something about winning, but thinking you know how to manage a winning team is something that can only be found, in your head. Brian Burke was right, you have done nothing but run this team into the deepest ruins of the sewers in Edmonton. This fan base hasn’t changed, Kevin & its in spite of your loser mentality. The fan base is actually growing & as long as the economy in Alberta maintains its value, the Oilers won’t suffer. I’ve met fans who have yet to see a playoff round were never even born when 1990 happened, but none of that matters. Regardless how much you help sink us into an abyss of suck, we won’t follow you willingly, oh no we won’t. We’re trying to create a vacuum & nature abhors a vacuum, so while you keep sinking us deeper we will get louder & louder to the point where Mr. Katz will get sick of hearing us, if he isn’t already.
So Kevin, it’s on this day, I’d like to personally congratulate you on running the greatest Mickey Mouse Organization of all-time, proving once again, Kevin, that you do indeed know a thing or two about winning.
Please wear these ears with pride as it will be the only thing you will get from this fan base as you maintain the status Mickey Mouse quo here in Oil Country.



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