Were the Oilers Ready for Dallas Eakins?


The Edmonton Oilers came into the 2013-14 season with another new coach behind the bench. It was a team and a coach that fans, the media and the NHL had high hopes for. So where has it gone wrong? I think the Oilers players were not ready for Dallas Eakins and his commitment to fitness and healthy living.

One of many things Coach Eakins has brought to the table is the fact that he wants his players to be fit and healthy. Even going to the extent to take away the donuts that are usually sitting out for the media during press conferences and replacing them with veggie trays.

So I share with you this screen shots of Oilers forward Jordan Eberle. The left one taken from an interview in September of 2013 during the preseason and the second screen shot taken from an interview just before the Olympic break. I can see the difference, can you?

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Besides having a nice tan in the pre-season photo he also looks a little puffy around the cheeks. I am sure he is not the only player but his was the most noticeable out of all the Oilers.

The common remark from players in the pre-season was “it’s hard”. This was constantly repeated by all players after practices and if they learned anything from Eakins this year it has got to be that they must come into next season ready to go. A strict off-season training and nutrition program will be needed to come into next season ready, not just ready but Dallas Eakins ready.

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