Oilers Rig Podcast Episode 8 featuring Jonathan Willis


Well this brings us to our final Oilers Rig Podcast of 2014, and what a year its been for us. The Rig has continued to set new records for readers in a day/week/month and we will push past the 1,000,000,000 views before this season is over. We can’t enjoy the successes we have with out you the readers and the listeners and for that we thank you so much. For myself it is a pleasure knowing that my thoughts, whether good, bad, smart or stupid are being read by such a large audience.

My favorite part about what we do here at the Rig is the work we’ve been doing for charity. The small amount of money we bring in to the site through advertising not only lets us keep paying for hosting, maintenance and the like but we were able to donate nearly $2000 dollars to the MS Society of Canada Edmonton division in 2014. 2015 continues to be promising as we’ve set a goal of $6000 in charitable donations and I can’t see us not getting at least that amount. You can help with that too by attending the #OilersRigLive4MS coming up February 21st 2015 at Brewsters Brewery and Pub Oliver Square location.

Again, from me, and behalf of everyone here at theoilersrig.com we would like to thank you and wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza and of course best wishes going into the New Year.

Now to the podcast. Alex and I are joined by Jonathan Willis from OilersNation.com and we get into last weeks firing of Dallas Eakins, the prospect of new interim coach Todd Nelson sticking for more than this year, what players may stay and who might be on the way out. We also take some time to answer some of our listeners questions via twitter, all and all this was a great show, make sure not to miss it.

We’ll be back in the New Year with our next episode. Enjoy

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Thanks for Listening.

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