Oilers Rig Radio 2016-17 Episode Seven: Day Off Fiasco/Week Two Recap


Trin recaps the second week of the 2016-17 Oilers season featuring a loss to the Buffalo Sabres and wins against the Carolina Hurricanes and St.Louis Blues with guests Kris Hansen and Chase Stewart.

-What it’s like to live in Calgary as an Oiler fan.
-Which Cam Talbot is the real Cam Talbot?
-The guy they call Looch is getting better and better every game alongside Connor McDavid and Jordan Eberle.
-The 4th line has been very effective for the Oilers, especially Tyler Pitlick
-When does Matt Benning see NHL ice for the first time?
-Kris Russell is getting a ton of praise, especially from your host.
-What happens when the Oilers get healthy?
-Kris and Chase have never met, but still call each other buddy…
-How will the Oilers fair against the Jets, Capitals and Canucks?

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