Oilers Rig Radio 2016-17 Episode Six: Week One Recap


Trin recaps the Oilers first two games of the 2016-17 NHL season against the Calgary Flames with Joey Degner (@joeydegner) and Kris Hansen (@WildcardKH).

-What do the Oilers need to work on before Sunday’s game against Buffalo?
-Kris Versteeg may be regretting his decision.
-Milan Lucic has come as advertised.
-Don’t worry now, but the Oilers need Cam Talbot to be better.
-Connor McDavid is good. Like really good.
-Auston Matthews is good. But not Connor McDavid good.
-Kris Russell is proving his critics wrong.
-The Oilers need their second line to produce.
-How will the Oilers fair against Buffalo, Carolina and St.Louis?

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