Oilers Rig Radio Podcast – 3/31/15

The Oilers Rig Radio podcast returns after a two week hiatus! I’m joined by Jackie Dawson as we catch up on the latest happenings with the organization, both on the ice and off of it.

Jackie and I start by discussing the team’s latest performances, including a solid home-stand and the hot play of both Jordan Eberle and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins. We also look at the emergence of Nail Yakupov, Anton Lander and more. Has Todd Nelson done enough to earn the job full time? We take a look at that too.

Off the ice, we discuss Craig MacTavish’s comments from the season ticket holder lunch and try to piece together what he might do during the off-season.

I also update you on the Oilers prospects at the NCAA level, going in depth on Joey LaLeggia and Jack Eichel. You won’t want to miss this show, listen below!

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