Oilers Rig Wear and #OilersRigLive4MS



Exciting news today as we here at the Oilers Rig launched our clothing line. Okay, well it’s not that spectacular really, it’s a small collection of T-shirts, Tanks, Hoodies, even cellphone cases. Check it out as we’ve got a few designs up and more coming down the runway (ahaha fashion pun).

From now until the end of the month all proceeds from merchandise sales will be donated to the MS Society of Alberta/NWT. So follow this link and buy your Rig Wear!


The event is quickly approaching (February 26th) and tickets sales have been going well, but not as well as we’d like. Our goal is to sell 150 tickets to the event and we’ve still go a ways to go. Last year we raised over $3000 dollars and this year the goal is $5000, I believe that it’s something we can achieve, just wait till you see the great items featured in our Silent Auction. Not to mention last year someone went home with a signed Eberle Team Canada jersey for just $20…..TWENTY FREAKING BUCKS! OilersRig_2ndAnnual189

Anyhow your ticket gets you in the door at On The Rocks, and a free thirst quencher from the bar. Not to mention the limitless amounts of fun you’re bound to have partying with fellow Oilers fans, watch our home town hockey team lay a whooping on the that crappy team from Anaheim! Then stay afterwards and enjoy some of the fantastic live music that On the Rocks is known for. I promise you that it’s going to be worth the $12.50 you’ll spend on the ticket. And of course all proceeds from ticket sales, raffles, and the silent auction will be donated to the MS Society. Click the picture below to get your tickets now.

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Why We Do This

I’d like you, if you have time, to watch this video. It’s a pretty powerful story of a beautiful woman named Tina who’s been living with MS. It’s an emotional video, and I’m not going to lie it terrified me watching it.


I’m one of the “Lucky” people living with MS. I was diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting MS which basically means it comes and goes. Although there’s roughly a 50/50 chance that my disease with become progressive at some point in the future, right now I’m confident it won’t but the very possibility is something I try not to think about very often.

I haven’t had a relapse in over a year, and consider myself relatively healthy. But just because I look fine, or say I am doesn’t always mean that is the case. I may not have had a full on relapse for a while, but there are days that I wake up and can’t feel my legs, other days where I wish I can’t feel them because my joints are in so much pain.

Fatigue, most people I talk to that have MS echo the statements that fatigue may be the toughest part of the disease to deal with. Fatigue doesn’t mean tired either, it weighs on you, there are days that when I move from the bed down to the couch I honestly feel like I’ve had some sort of major accomplishment. That Gary Bettman should walk through my front door and present me with a trophy for my achievements. I don’t necessarily have to exert myself either for this fatigue curse to rear it’s ugly head, it comes from no where, unexplainable. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to tell my kids “Daddy can’t today girls, I don’t feel good” Or apologize to my wife for not helping with the house work or the kids because I simply just can’t, all the while knowing that I “look” fine, it’s tough.

Now I’m not trying to make you feel sorry for me, the last thing I want is your pity. I’m just trying to tell a part of my story to raise awareness for the kind of reach this disease has, and that with your help we can make a contribution for finding a cure for this invisible disease.

Canada has the highest per capita diagnosis’ of MS, they also have some of the best researchers in the world who have the brains to find a cure, what’s missing is the funding. If I can use this website as a medium to raise money and do my small part in finding a cure, then dammit that’s what I’m going to do. But of course none of it would be possible without your attendance and support at these events that we do. Every single little bit helps, whether you buy a t-shirt, attend the fundraiser, make a donation at your local MS Society, or simply tell someone about this event it really does all make a difference.

Thanks for Reading and I hope to see you Friday February 26th at On The Rocks.


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