Could P.K. Subban End Up In Edmonton?


I am starting to think that PK Subban is turning into Therrien’s red headed step child. He found himself riding pine once again last night. But why does it seem that PK keeps taking the brunt of Therrien’s rage. Earlier in the year I thought it was that Therrien was trying to conform Subban. When it was made very public that individual goal celebrations were eliminated. But Subban is a guy who likes to “showboat” if you will. Something I think this game needs a little more. Players that show emotions, something people can connect with.

But like most “old school” guys, Therrien is completely against anything ahead of the team. While I disagree, I get it. Players can be construed as “selfish” occasionally when their “bigger than life” personality comes out. I just don’t happen to think this applies to Subban. He is just a guy who can get excited along the same lines as our Yakupov. He scores, his teammate scores or a teammate makes a great play. He is right in the thick of it high fiving them and I LOVE that. But once again, some employed in the NHL are against this kind of thing. But back to Subban.


Earlier in the year I thought Therrien was punishing him for being an individual, as well as, to tweak his defensive game. But I am starting to think that a high risk, high reward player like Subban is not welcomed in Montreal by Therrien. Subban can definitely make mistakes. But he puts up points, makes hits, agitates opponents and can make big plays on the back end. So, like with every other singe player in the NHL, you have to take the good with the bad. But in Subban’s case, the bad is so eclipsed by the good it makes me wonder. While he is an excellent player, he can play a somewhat selfish game.

But, while some would disagree, to be an elite player you have to be somewhat selfish. That works for a forward, but does it work for a defender? I think it does. But only for a guy who can put up points, which Subban has done time and time again. An offensive defenseman will always make mistakes, you have to expect it when they take a risk to make a play, that’s the nature of the beast. But that’s what makes a defender of Subban’s skill set, such an asset to any team. He might play a risky game, but with how much skill he has, usually ends up making the right decision.

Therrien might not like it, but Subban will always play this way. It’s what makes him most effective. As he age’s and matures a little more and gains experience, he will pick his spots a little better. He’s only 24 years old for gods sake, people keep forgetting that. Honestly though, I am starting to wonder if Subban will be asking for a trade in the summer. Something I would usually disagree with, but in PKs case, would completely understand. He is treated like a tumor in Montreal. Absolutely thrown under the bus almost every time you turn around.


While I get, a guy can be infuriating when he plays the style of game Subban does. But holy crap, he sure takes the blunt of any bad play from the coaches. I don’t know if I’m missing something being an outsider looking in on Quebec. But I just cannot believe the abuse a NORRIS THROPHY winner is taking. If I’m not mistaken there are four other players on the ice. I’m just saying. Especially with how much of a professional PK Subban has been every single time he’s pushed off the cliff. Usually he goes “I have to be better for the team”. I’m sorry, but if it was me, I’d have trashed the coach already, publicly. Something I do not agree with what-so-ever, but would in this situation.

But with how gloom and doom this might make it in Montreal I like to look at the silver lining. If this level of disrespect continues, Subban could say “enough is enough” and just want out. And, be honest, COULD YOU BLAME HIM? I know I wouldn’t. I would also he fine going and picking him up from the airport, if he somehow get’s traded to Edmonton. But that’s just me being naïve. Or is it?

PK Subban(Top 10 Hits Video)

With the abuse he has taken from his own coach, with no intervention from management to lighten up on their “Franchise Player” this can end all of 3 ways.

1)Montreal puts Subban’s rights on the arbitration list so no one scoops him up with a MEGA DEAL. They go to arbitration and Subban is awarded a one year deal in the realm of $7-$$7.5M. But go into the season and Subban keeps taking the abuse from the coach and fans. So he ultimately asks for a trade publicly when he has finally had enough. By mistake of coarse, but it ends up in a very ugly split which makes his public enemy #1 in Montreal.

2)Subban and Therrien have the yearly review meeting. Therrien explains why he has been treating Subban like crap. With a tear in his eye gives PK a hug and says “I know you can be better than Weber, I know you can” and Subban reciprocates the emotion and says “I want to be coach, I want to be.” While in such an embrace of emotions, Titanic’s cast sheds a tear. Then when done Therrien says “I know you can too, but we want you to do it for about $6M a year.” Still caught up in emotion PK says “Anything for you coach, I know you believed in me”. Thus signing the contract before consulting his agent.

3)Montreal and Subban agree that a mutual split is what both need. Subban needs to go to a team, he can truly play his game and be himself. Montreal would get enough assets from a Subban trade, they wouldn’t miss a beat in the standings.


I don’t know about you, but I am starting to think that the third scenario is starting to come to light. Players always try and work things out and play for the team that drafted them, until the team decides to cut ties. Even if they don’t like the coach. For the most part in the modern era, players can be loyal to a fault if teams pay them what they think they’re worth. And I felt Subban would never leave Montreal, even though it seems he’s always in rumor mills. But after Friday night, I am starting to think the player would want better. He’s only human. So he knows that he won the Norris. He knows he was a #7 defender on team Canada. He also knows he’s a top 10 defender in the NHL. No matter how humble they are. They are professional athletes. Cockiness comes with the territory to be the absolute best.

So as this year goes on, a Subban exit is starting to seem more and more likely.

It’s not everyday that an Elite defender becomes available, so you would imagine at least 20 teams would try and figure out a deal with Montreal. For once, this is where the Oilers might have the advantage over most teams. Who would have thought it? Edmonton having an advantage in the NHL? Ha, who knew.

PK Subban(Highlight Video)

We have a wealth of assets that could come in very handy trying to strike a deal with Montreal. Let’s say this all stays away from the public and Montreal is still bargaining from a position of power, they could get a kings ransom for Subban. He is an Elite Top Pairing defender, love him or hate him. These guys don’t just fall out of trees. But the Oilers have enough young talent and assets they could make a deal happen.

First Montreal would want Nail Yakupov. Usually I think rumors are crap. But Yakupov’s name has come up with Montreal so many times, there has to be a shed of truth. It does make sense. Nail stayed with the Galchenyuk family when he came to North America to play here. He and Alex are best friends. They played together a few years and dominated in the process. So it would be like the Russian version of Hall/Eberle in Montreal. Friends aside, Yakupov is an elite PROSPECT. Meaning he might still look like a lost kid, but he is still highly regarded in the goal scoring department. Those are harder to find, so while not as valuable as he would have been last summer. He is still a guy with value.

Next, Montreal would want someone to take at least, the majority of PK’s minutes on the back end. So a player like Jeff Petry would have to go back. He can take on a large amount of minutes and plays more of a style that would fit in on the back end in Montreal. A style of game that would be more suited for Therrien’s system. He also, while he may not use it enough, brings size to a team in need of more.

While to some, this would seem like enough to try and pry Subban out of Montreal, your dead wrong. As I said before, there would be teams lining up to get his services. So it would take more than just two roster players. To put it in perspective to Oiler fans, Montreal trading Subban would be right up there with Edmonton trading Nugent-Hopkins. A player you can build a team around. Except that Subban is far more established as a player, as opposed to RNH. So it would probably also take our lottery pick to make any deal come forth. Even at that, you might need to add in a very good prospect like Gernat or Musil to make any deal happen.

So to bring in a defender this team has needed since Pronger left town it would take a lot. Fans in Edmonton have to remember, while we think the world of our players, they are still on a 28th place team. So you have to give up a hell of a lot to try and acquire a star player that fills a big need on this team. Especially since every other team knows that as well. You are not going to bring in an honest to god “Stud” defender unless you give up a lot to get them. So call me crazy, but this might not even be enough if other teams overpay the same. You might say “we don’t want him if it takes that much to get him” but I’ll say this.

If you had a chance to get a piece of the puzzle that you had been NEEDING for numerous years and could never acquire. Then you had a once in a decade chance to get this corner piece of the puzzle. Wouldn’t you up the ante to the point you receive this cornerstone, so you finally attain a piece so long needed, while keeping it away from all your rivals? So while attaining a huge piece of the puzzle, you keep it away from everyone trying to be beat you. While it would take a lot more than people would usually be willing to give. Subban would upgrade our top 4 defenders.

PK Subban(Video)

So moving forward our top six would be a player or two away, our top four d would be a player away and our goaltending would look good. So instead of being six or seven players away from just making the playoffs. We would be two or three away from being an annual playoff CONTENDER. I think that is very worth auctioning off some players from a bottom feeder, to improve that greatly over one summer. Plus he might be able to lure his pal Markov to Alberta’s capital. Who knows…..

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Thank you so much for reading. Give me a follow @shawn_kelemen on twitter. Have a great weekend!

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