Poll question: Will Edmonton fans ever be happy?


Yesterday, over at oilersaddict.com, Brody wrote a post entitled, “When will the fans stop bitching and start enjoying…???” The theme of the post is fatigue over the constant complaining from a noisy faction of Oilers’ fandom despite the team’s success this season. Despite the loss to the Sharks last night Edmonton is still sitting 5th in the Western Conference. It is fair to ask the question, “will the self-loathers among us will ever be happy?”

Some can’t get past the Taylor Hall trade. Others are still grinding their teeth because the team isn’t playing Fayne or Pouliot correctly (or at all). Others are still mad over the Griffin Reinhart deal. While some, despite his lack of success in St. Louis, are perpetually annoyed over the trade/handling of Nail Yakupov. These fans are not happy and the record in the standings combined with a +5 goal differential does not seem to move them at all.

Which brings us to today’s poll question:

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