I held out as long as I could, but it’s time to join everyone else in the 21st century. With that I make the following announcement:
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m on Twitter.
The bird finally put me under its spell after all these years.
Not only that, but the buttons on the right that you’ve probably tried to hit but nothing happened, and you were frustrated because you were thinking “why the hell would the dope put buttons on this damn website that don’t do anything”? The ones under “follow us” on the right? Well they work now! You can stalk me on Twitter, Networked Blogs, and RSS just by hitting those cute little buttons. Only took me a month and a half to figure this out. Brainpower? Nah, not a lot here.
(Editor’s note: The YouTube button is still just for show. Bask in it.)
Now go follow me, or I’ll knock you on your ass … you pip squeak.
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