Off-Season Targets – Vern Fiddler


The last two editions of the off-season targets series have looked at bottom six forwards that could help the Oilers improve this rather weak area of the roster. Today, we continue that trend with a look at Dallas forward Vern Fiddler, who will hit the free agent market on July 1st and will be leaving the lone star state.

Why Is He Out There?:

Vern Fiddler is a free agent on July 1st who simply wants to move on. Fiddler requested a trade this past season after being unhappy with his decreased role in Dallas, as he ended up on the Stars’ fourth line and playing limited minutes. He was unhappy in his final year with the Stars, and wants to move on. Dallas could use the cap space for other upgrades, so a split between the sides is likely for the best.

What Does He Do Well?:

Vern Fiddler, like both Moss and Winnik, is a defensive forward that plays smart hockey and prevents chances against. Fiddler is a guy that has been praised for his defensive ability, and is a guy that is a monster in the face-off circle. He also, according to The Hockey News, plays a smart game and displays solid defensive instincts, something Edmonton could really use.

Fiddler is credited with being an agitator, and a guy that can get under people’s skin,which is another pretty big thing that the Oil are lacking. This is a guy that is not only tough to play against, but is frustrating to play against. Edmonton hasn’t had a player that frustrated the opposition in a long time, and one can argue only David Perron has that ability on the current roster.

The Hockey News calls Vern Fiddler an agitating defensive center, which is exactly what Edmonton is lacking in their bottom-six forward group. A smart defensive player that will aggravate the opponent is a very nice thing to have on the roster.

As for his advanced stats, he’s about average in that regard. He posted a 48.1% Corsi For this past regular season, and clocked in around 45% each of the previous two seasons. That being said, he did hit 51.9% in six playoff games this past season.

Offensively, Fiddler doesn’t post totals that make you see him as a threat, he had 23 points in the regular season this year, while he had only 17 in 2012-13 and 21 in 2011-12. He’s scored only 18 goals in the last three seasons too, so you’re getting a defensive forward here with little offense.

Where Will He Play, and Where Should He Play?:

If the Oilers were to sign Vern Fiddler, I could see him playing two different spots in the line-up. One is on the wing on line three next to Boyd Gordon, which would be a larger role than what he had in Dallas, and the other is centering the fourth line, which was the role he was unhappy with in Dallas.

Overall, I think on a playoff bound team this is a fourth line player, so he should be the fourth center in Edmonton.

What Will He Cost?:

Fiddler is a smaller defensive center that doesn’t post a ton of offense, and was publicly unhappy in his last spot. He’s a ten year veteran and is getting up there in age, so he likely won’t cost as much as Winnik or Moss would on the free agent market. A two-year deal clocking in between $1.5 M and $2 M a year is what I’d be offering in this spot.

Closing Argument:

The Oilers need bottom six help in a big way. I count Matt Hendricks and Boyd Gordon as the only two solid NHL’ers set for these spots next season. Vern Fiddler is a guy that would come in and fill one of those four remaining spots, and fit the role.

He’s a good defensive player that plays smart hockey, agitates the opposition and does everything asked of a role player. He’s not a superstar and he isn’t a sexy name, but Vern Fiddler is a good option should Edmonton decide to add to their bottom-six forward group this coming off-season.

He should come cheaper than some of the options out there, and would be an upgrade over what Edmonton has recently had in these spots. If Fiddler is interested in playing in his hometown, Craig MacTavish should be looking to make it happen.

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