Smarter Than the Average Bear


Why R.A. Dickey is smarter than you: What other pitcher would have arranged this whole Jorge Posada controversy to take the focus away from his awful outing on Saturday?  Doubt me if you must, but name another baseball player with the mental capacity to even think to, say, call Posada after being pulled from his Astros debacle by Terry Collins, and saying “Hey Georgie, I hear Joe’s batting you ninth today … Yeah … He said you had nothing left … Yeah … and that he totally sees what A.J. says about you.”  Then calls his friends at FOX and says “You know, you might want to ask Brian Cashman for an interview around the sixth inning.  Just sayin’ … Yeah … And hey, Sarah Silverman wants to visit the booth tonight … Yeah … and have McCarver ask her about Red Sox fans … No no no, she’s got a poignant take on them.”

Well played, Robert Alan.  But you were pretty rancid.  That happens when you throw Minute Maid oranges instead of baseballs.  You didn’t notice the juice squirting out when you dug your nails in them?

(Maybe it’s time for Dickey to find Applegate and become Joe Hardy again.)

One more thing about the Posada situation (of which I have no problem enjoying since Posada has always seemed to me to be a miserable human being), as Lisa Swan from Subway Squawkers was astute enough to remind me, the whole reason that Jorge Posada is still a Yankee this season instead of being a free agent and only signing a three year deal?  Omar Minaya.  That’s right, Minaya’s lunch at Le Cirque with Posada got the Yankees to pony up the fourth season … 2011.

Next time on Metstradamus, how Minaya has ruined the Twins, Mariners, Padres, Carolina Panthers, and Edmonton Oilers … with one game of laser tag.

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