State Of The Union? Stay The Course


Craig MacTavish addressed the media and team today at Rexall Place. It was the GM trying to get his guys back in it from a locker room perspective, and a GM trying to calm the masses from a media perspective, a mass might I add that is ready to riot in Edmonton. Pitchforks and torches style.

MacT met the team before practice this morning, and told the guys that it’s okay to have a little fun and enjoy playing the game. He also went down to give a pep talk of sorts, and gauge the additude of the guys that will try and turn things around in Edmonton after years of futility.

After that? Mac stepped to the mic to talk about the first-quarter of the season with the media, and he had some juicy quotes that caught my, and many other, eyes around Oil Country. Let’s take a look and figure out just what MacT was getting at during his state of the union address today at Rexall…

“Things have obviously not gone as well as I would have thought probable.”

No shock here. I don’t think MacTavish was sold on this team getting into the playoffs, but I think he at least had them being in the race late into the season and had them making major strides.

GM MacTavish says the #Oilers “self-destructed” in their first six games, continuing to say “low point” so far was Detroit game.

“I’m frustrated, I’m pissed off… I want to see results.”

These two are pretty interesting and pretty spot on. The Oilers no doubt self-destructed early on in the season. They had a good pre-season and good first 40 minutes against the Jets, and then it was all gone. A few bad breaks, a few poor goals against and this team was done. No confidence, no belief, no nothing. The Oilers were deflated and honestly it looked like they were shocked the way it started.

MacT stating that he is pissed off is actually pretty significant to me. We never saw Tambellini show any emotion when he spoke, and we haven’t seen any emotion come from the Oilers in a long time, outside of Kevin Lowe’s rant last April at the press conference introducing MacT.

The fans are frustrated, I imagine the players are frustrated, and it’s good to know that management is too. Look, I don’t think MacT was lying and I really do think he’s pissed off with how this thing is going. The organization’s small reputation that remains is at stake here, and I really think MacT is in it to win it in Edmonton.

“What this team needs is continuity in coaching, and they’re going to get it… he’s hitting all the right messages.”

Couldn’t agree more. The last thing Edmonton needs is another head coach and another system. I’ve been frustrated lately with him, but I think Dallas Eakins is the right guy for the job. Got to give him at least two full seasons to get this team playing his way. That said, I really wish Tambellini just stuck it out with Tom Renney…

“I have not seen the same, beat-up, negative group that I’ve seen here in the past.”

“Now is the time to build the trust in these players. It’s my obligation to support these guys.”

“It’s painful, but we’re going to get through this and eventually be a much improved team.”

Really like MacT’s message here for the most part. I do agree that this team isn’t the same old beat-up group we are used to seeing when the going gets bad, where veterans clearly stopped caring and players just assumed they would lose. This team, to my eye at least, is trying, and that is a good sign. They aren’t happy or content.

I also agree now is the time to build trust with the players. The Oilers made the mistake admitting they were rebuilding, allowing a losing culture to seep into the locker room. Now MacT is showing some faith in these guys and believing in them. It might not make a difference in the standings, but that’s going to go a long way to help the confidence of these guys.

I tend to agree the Oilers will be an improved team moving forward, but that being said I don’t think this is a necessary pain to go through.

“The blueline needs to be improved upon… Do we need a big stud defenceman? It would help immensely.”

“I don’t view another first round draft choice as what we need. Whether I can get suitable value for that remains to be seen.”

This is the most important part of the press conference in my mind. MacT acknowledged the defense is a weakness, and even told Bob Stauffer on Oilers Now later in the afternoon that they simply aren’t a competitive NHL defensive unit right now. He understands this is a hole, and understands that the team needs that stud defender.

That’s big that he’s mentioned that, and we know he is looking for it. The fourth period has been reporting for weeks now that MacT is trying to obtain this kind of player.

The quote about the pick is big too, because it shows MacT doesn’t follow the Tambellini thought process of just adding more young players to the mix. The Oilers, if the pick is top three, could get a very good haul back for it if they decide to move it, and we already know they are open to it.

Presumably, they add an NHL level defender, that big-stud MacT talked about, in the trade. Teams like Buffalo, Nashville, Phoenix, Montreal and Florida came to mind almost immediately as potential trade partners for defenders with this pick.

Overall, the Oilers state of the union address by GM Craig MacTavish made a few things clear. One, the team isn’t going to panic and is going to stay the course, with this core and with this head coach. It also made it clear the team, and management, is frustrated and pretty much pissed off.

Lastly, we found out Edmonton is open for business, and is looking for about three or four pieces to become a competitive team, and that they are working towards that.

Stay the course my friends. It’s not fun, and it flat out sucks, but there isn’t another option. I’m not sure about you, but I beleive in karma, and sticking around will make this worth it for us. Stay the course, just stay the course.

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