Thanksgiving Turkey

Yesterday Jeremy Thompson wrote an article about the rumors swirling out of Toronto regarding the possible trade of 1st overall pick Nail Yakupov. There were two sources, one saying it’s a possibility and one saying NO WAY. I’m of the NO WAY canp, however if you’ve read the article by Joanne Ireland from The Edmonton Journal about Yakupov’s reaction to being benched there are a few interesting quote’s there.

Some of the things Yakupov said make him sound an awful lot like a turkey (my Thanksgiving Reference), a kid that’s not used to not playing and he’s going to sulk about it for a while.

“I’m going to play my game,” he said “I’m not going to change but maybe play better without the puck, or forecheck more, but I love playing with the puck. I really don’t like skating all the time, and forechecking, and hitting somebody every shift. I don’t think it’s my game.”

Ever told a child that they can’t go outside because they didn’t clean his/her room? Kind of like that, and if you’ve got kids you know exactly what I’m talking about. Then good old Dad Coach Eakins replies with a do as I say not as I do statement;

“Players will always tell you this: play me more and I’ll play better. The coach always says, play better and I’ll play you more. We’re going to go by the coach’s rules.”

I love the reply from the coach, Go clean your room and then you can play outside, just as it should be. Yakupov is a young player who’s been spoiled for years. He’s been the best player on his team, the guy who can be counted on night in and night out to play the big minutes in pressure situations. That was junior though, he’s in the NHL now and needs to do what he’s told when he’s told.

Here’s the thing, people are going to blow these comments way out of proportion. Fans are now going to be calling for Yak to be traded. Send him back to Russia they’ll say, maybe even the Florida Panthers we’ll hear. Why? Because that’s how us fans are, we’ll over react because a kids is throwing a tantrum, but it’s no big deal. Remember Ryan Smyth last season when he was sat in the press box by then head coach Ralph Kreuger? He complained in front of the cameras about the benching didn’t he?

Personally I’m glad that Yak City is unhappy with the move. He should be fuming mad that he isn’t playing. What he needs to realize however is that if he wants to play he is going to have to learn the 200 foot game, he is going to have to skate and forecheck all the time, he is going to have to try and hit someone every shift, and that if he can do those things on a consistent basis the points will come, and he will never have to be interviewed about being a healthy scratch again.

If we get to see Nail in the line-up tonight against the Capitals, I would expect big things. He’ll come in to the game with a chip on his shoulder and probably want’s nothing more than to impress in front of fellow Russian star Alex Ovechkin.

Be Thankful

Even with the Oilers slow start there are still plenty to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Monday. First off, we get to enjoy a full 82 to game season, last year at this time we were in the midst of the lockout. There’s also the fact that the kids aren’t kids anymore, Taylor Hall is playing great and I’m especially thank full that Ryan Nugent-Hopkins is back in the line-up and looking no worse for wear. Then there’s the play of Mark Arcobello, who saw that coming? There are plenty other reasons to give thanks when it comes to the Oilers and the NHL season, what are some of yours?

To all of you,

Thanks for Reading.

I’d also like to thank Alex, Jeremy, Jeremy (Boris), Jackie and Troy for the hard work that is required to keep you, the readers, coming back to the site ever day. Most of all I want to thank my amazing Wife and beautiful children for putting up with the extra time that this hobby, turned second full-time job has turned in to.


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