The Fighting Hawks Logo – A Year Later


It’s been a year and a month since the University of North Dakota adopted the “official” Fighting Hawks logo. Soon, UND will move into their second season wearing the Fighting Hawks logo.

When the logo was first revealed, I was skeptical and I didn’t like it. As the days turned to months, the new logo began to grow on me. Yes, there are going to be fans that won’t embrace the new logo. For whatever reason. But hey, that’s life and it’s their right.

On the blog front, at first, I had a few fans tell me to stop using the Fighting Hawks nickname. One fan tweeted this, “It’s North Dakota, UND,  or Fighting Sioux.” A freelance writer I know told me that I should use the name as little as possible, so I don’t piss off my readers.

In June of 2016 I said this:

I think the response to the new Fighting Hawks logo was predictable. First, no logo will ever be able to replace the Fighting Sioux logo. Some people aren’t ever going to like it. Also, you can’t expect everyone to like or embrace the new logo. I am still on the fence, but I don’t think it would look bad on a football helmet.

That being said, some of the UND sports programs on campus are already supporting the Fighting Hawks logo. When a UND football recruit commits to UND, it’s not uncommon for them to make mention of being proud to be a member of the Fighting Hawks Nation. Or something along those lines. Today, the UND football team took that first step when head coach Bubba Schweigert announced that the new logo will, in fact, be on the football helmets when the Hawks take the field in September.

“UND football is going to embrace this logo and what it represents,” said Schweigert, adding the logo will be on the helmet for the team’s first game Sept. 1.

Again, the response to the new Fighting Hawks logo was mixed. There were some UND fans that liked it. There were the Sioux forever fans that hated anything to do with the Fighting Hawks logo. Finally, there were some that didn’t care either way.

Again, we take a look back.

I would say that the new logo received mixed reviews. It appears that fans of opposing teams were more receptive to the nickname than actual UND fans. Some of the responses from the current and former players are interesting. A few of the coaches had great responses to the new logo.

Known for his outspoken demeanor on Twiter, former Fighting Sioux defenseman Mike Commodore wasn’t impressed with the Fighting Hawks logo. I am sure if we asked him today, big Mike probably hasn’t changed his opinion.

Moving forward, most of UND’s athletic teams embraced the Fighting Hawks nickname. The UND football team was all in from the start. As I mentioned earlier, Coach Schweigert and his coaching staff embraced the Fighting Hawks logo from day one, so did his players. Check out a tweet from a potential recruit. Finally, the Fighting Hawks logo looked pretty sharp on the football helmets.

This was my final reaction to the roll out of the Fighting Hawks logo.

Last Wednesday, the University of North Dakota unveiled their new Fighting Hawks logo and then social media blew up. My initial thoughts, when I saw the new logo; you’ve got to be kidding me? This is a joke, right? Like many UND fans, I was in a state of shock. I couldn’t believe this is what they’d come up with. I didn’t know what to think.(You can read the rest here)

Fighting Hawks Fly to New Heights

Last season under the Fighting Hawks logo, UND won four Big Sky Conference championships (Women’s Volleyball, Football, Men’s and Women’s Basketball). Three of those four teams made an appearance in the NCAA postseason.  Finally, whether people want to admit it or not, UND also won a national champion in men’s hockey the first year they were named the Fighting Hawks.

Good or bad, UND is moving forward with the Fighting Hawks logo.

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