The Oilers Rig Radio Podcast 4/16/15

For the final time during the 2014/15 NHL regular season, the Oilers Rig Radio Podcast returns! This week on the show, I’m joined by Jackie Dawson and Dave Gordon, as we recap that nightmare that was the 2014-15 Oilers’ season.

In the show, we give our concluding thoughts on the season, and extensively break down the press conference held by Craig MacTavish on Monday afternoon. We talk about next year being another “developmental year”, and talk about whether or not we think MacT will actually make those defensive additions he touched on.

Finally, we try and give some solutions to the goaltending position, and give our thoughts on the next head coach of the Edmonton Oilers. Of course, we preview what you can expect content wise during the off-season from us as well!

Don’t miss the last podcast of the season:

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