The Rig Catches Up With Georges Laraque

doc and austin rivers

Big George

If you’ve been an Edmonton Oilers fan for a decent amount of time, you’ll remember a true fan favorite. You’ll remember a guy who set the tone night in and night out, a guy who could bring the crowd to it’s feet with his fists or with his massive hits.

He’s Georges Laraque, and it’s safe to say he’s a true post-dynasty Oiler legend. Big George is responsible for some of my favorite Oiler memories, mainly his hat-trick against the Kings in the early 2000’s and his double fight with Todd Fedoruk in game three of the 2006 Western Conference Finals.

Recently, Jackie Dawson and I sat down with Georges Laraque to talk about a number of different things. We touch on the Oilers exciting off-season, his favorite Rexall Place memory and more.


The biggest highlights? Big George gives us his bold prediction for this season and takes us on a very cool behind the scenes journey of the post-game celebration at Rexall Place after his hat-trick against LA.

Wanna hear what the 2006 playoffs were like from a guy who took part in them? Laraque talks about the journey, the atmosphere, and finally the heartbreak.

Without further ado, check out our interview with former Oiler forward Georges Laraque.

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