Trade Talk – Edmonton Oilers Trade Deadline Day



With the Trade Deadline only a few days away. Lets take a look at the likely players to be moved. Also, for fun, how about a guess on returns. This year has the most Unrestricted Free Agents going into the deadline, that i can remember in recent years. So while what we get in return might not “Blow your skirt up”. I would imagine we are going to have a GM who continues to be busy. Most people have the players classified into just two different categories. Guys being moved and untouchables. But honestly, whats the fun in that?

I wanted to not exactly think outside the box. I wanted more to just press my face right up against it. So I went in a slightly different direction. I actually threw the players into four different categories. That’s right four different categories. The first of coarse, being guys that are, outside of a miraculous reason, gone at the deadline. The second being guys that have a good chance of going just because they don’t fit in with this team anymore. The third group being guys that probably won’t go anywhere unless an excellent player was coming back to the Oilers. The last is just like any other list, players that have no way of being traded unless a number of elite players are coming back. We are going to do this in reverse since nothing about this piece is going with the flow.

I’ll start with the untouchables list, which is a lot smaller than most peoples list. I only have two players on this list.

LW-Taylor Hall

While he still has a lot to learn, he is a point per game player. He drives the entire offense when at the top of his game. What he lacks in defensive coverage he makes up for with his all out attack approach. Simply put, while no Crosby or Stamkos, he is a star player in the NHL.

C-Ryan Nugent-Hopkins

The Nuge is the type of player you can build your entire team around. While his offense hasn’t been to the level expected of him when being drafted 1st overall. He has improved every aspect of his defensive game, while keeping his numbers at a decent level. He is well on his way to becoming an elite level two way playmaker.

My next group of players is by far the biggest. These players are very unlikely to be moved. But for the right package coming back, it could happen.

RW-Jordan Eberle

While, it seems very unlikely, his name comes up in rumors every few months. Honestly, I don’t know why. The only thing I’ve noticed is his defensive play has taken a step backwards this year. But then again, I think that summarizes THE ENTIRE TEAM. Every team has that one player that puts up points when it counts and Eberle is that guy. He hasn’t had the chance in the playoffs since entering the NHL. But if every other level shows anything, he’s a clutch player. Along the same lines of Daniel Briere. It would take a top pairing defender to pry him away from the Oilers. Either that or a player of Eberle’s skill with a little more size.

C-Boyd Gordon

Gordon makes it onto the list from a different aspect. The Oilers don’t have another player that can do what he does. Win faceoffs and kill penalties. If he was a UFA at the end of the year, this would be different. But he’s in the first year of a three year deal. So very unlikely for him to go anywhere. It helps he’s done a pretty good job as a third line center. Especially after the train wreck that was Belanger. If he was to be moved, it would be along the same line as a Paul Gaustad. Something like a couple of draft picks, one of them being a first rounder.

LW/C-Matt Hendricks

Hendricks is in the same boat as Gordon. Just add an edge to his game and willingness to drop the gloves to the list. this guy comes in as the perfect third liner this team has been needing for a while. With how he’s played so far in an Oilers uniform, it would take a fair bit to pry him away. But you never know. If a team offered up a first rounder and a roster player, weirder things have happened.

G-Ben Scrivens

So far Scrivens has blown the socks off a lot of Oilers fans. Aside from his record tying night, he has brought a steadiness to the net. Something we haven’t seen in quite a few years. Even since we had a guy by the name of Roloson. While in a very limited amount of time, Scrivens has earned a contract extension to at least fight with another keeper for the starting job next year. I don;t think anyone would be able to pry him away, unless he decides he doesn’t want to be here.

D-Andrew Ference

He’s our captain and he’s brought to the table what was expected. A veteran presence that can do a bit of everything. Not very spectacular, but steady. He is the only Oiler player with a no movement clause in his contract. So unless he decides he wants out, he’s not going anywhere. But you never know, he went from a cup contender to a bottom feeder. he wouldn’t be the first. If he did decide he’s had enough, he would fetch a decent return. But highly unlikely for the home grown product.

LW-Luke Gazdic

It’s funny that an enforcer finds his way onto an unlikely to be dealt list. But he brings something the Oilers have been looking for since Laraque. A guy who can kick some butt and play a little bit of hockey. it’s not that he couldn’t be moved. But more that it would take an overpayment to pry him away. We all know that Edmonton does love them some fighter. Especially when they can play a bit of hockey.

D-Justin Schultz

While he came into the league as a prized jewel offensive guy, he is developing quite nicely. At the beginning of the year he made some pretty bad defensive decisions that had people thinking he took a step back. But as the year has gone on, his game has come around. He’s becoming strong in all zones, while not losing that offensive flare. He’s never going to be a clear cut number one guy. But he’s well on his way to becoming a decent top pairing offensive threat. Unless a clear cut improvement was coming back, or as part of a trade to bring in a “Weber” type defender. Otherwise he’s not going anywhere.

D-Jeff Petry

This guy really ticks me off. He has size, howitzer of a shot, hits hard and uses his reach to his advantage. All tools that could make him a decent top pairing guy. But he just can’t seem to put it all together. To me he seems like a guy with all the tools, but lacks the drive to do it. But it seems as though the Oilers brass feel he will get it together. So another guy that probably won’t go anywhere because nobody can fill his shoes. Which makes me weep a little. So unless he is sent out in a package to upgrade the same position, he’ll finish the year in Edmonton. I wouldn’t mind him being a part of a Myers deal though. Just some food for thought.

RW-Nail Yakupov

This guy is going to be a stud for many years to come. He’s still young and has up and down play. But his moments of brilliance are close to the untouchable skill level. I like to call him Mini-Ovi because he plays a similar game to the Russian Superstar. With all his skill and elite scoring touch, he is pretty darn close to Hall and Nugent-Hopkins level. The only thing missing so far is being to put it all together. While both those players play at a high enough level they make the players around them better. Yakupov seems to only be able to when playing with good players. That’s the only red flag so far I have seen with him. But that could just be because he still is very young. What I am trying to say is, down the road the Oilers will have to make a decision on Yakupov and Eberle and if Yakupov does turn into a 50 goal guy, Eberle might be the more economic option. Plus either player would fetch a decent return. Unless PK Subban is coming back, don’t expect Yakupov to be moved. The Oilers don’t have to make a decision for a few years.

D-Martin Marincin

Since being called up, Marincin has been a top 4 defender and not looked out of place. While he has looked good so far, that’s more a testament of the group hes joining. Sadly, not because of his skill. Don’t get me wrong, he’s done a decent enough job. But still needs time to develop properly. He has come in and done his job on a bottom feeder team. This has boosted his perception by management. So he is being penciled in next year in our top six already. Which he has earned. So it would take a far amount to make a trade for him. Either a 1st round pick and a good prospect or a veteran top 4 defender to replace him. Either way, highly unlikely to happen.

LW/RW-David Perron

When he played for the St.Louis Blues I thought he was a few words I can’t write on here. He did a lot of things that drove me absolutely crazy. That’s why I absolutely love him. He plays a gritty agitator type of game that drives you insane, then can score a couple goals on you. Just to rub the salt in the wounds. He is exactly what our top six has been missing for a few years. Honestly, I think we could use a few more of him on our team. (*Cough Kesl *Cough er, but that’s a whole different conversation) He has the skill to be tied for the lead in Goals on this hockey team, while he plays way bigger than he actually is. Another guy that is pretty close to untouchable, unless a clear upgrade and overpayment was offered.

Now onto the guys who might end up staying, but could be moved since they don’t fit anymore. That, or they just haven’t worked out here. But a pretty good chance they could be moved for something.

C-Sam Gagner

I am a huge Sam Gagner fan. I followed him since he played for the London Knights with Pat Kane. He brings a passion and fire, most guy his size don’t. He just doesn’t fit with this team anymore. We have enough small skilled guys here. If you believe he still belongs here, you have to ask yourself:

If it came to Eberle, Yakupov, Hall, Nuge, Perron and Gagner, who is the odd man out to upgrade out top six? It’s more a numbers game. He doesn’t bring what our team needs to move forward. He doesn’t have size, win faceoffs or any defensive game. His heart will never be questioned. But he needs a change of scenery and we need to upgrade over him. If moved for the right price, he would have to bring back a roster player and a good prospect. Like for example, Clifford and Muzzin were rumored before. While not the best package, something along those lines aren’t out of the question.

LW/C-Ryan Smyth

The guy is an Oiler through ad through. This would be a decision he gets the luxury of making, he’s earned that. If he did choose to go to a contender, which he would help, he could bring back assets. Think in the area of a mid round pick and mid range prospect. So a few long shots down the road.

D-Philip Larsen

A throw in piece to the Horcoff trade. The adage “You get what you paid for” comes to mind. His first season here has been forgettable. He got the shot and couldn’t walk with it. While he was injured, he hasn’t been more than a depth defender who can fill in. The most he would get you is a late round pick.

D-Mark Fraser

Fraser could end up staying the rest of the year, as a fill in piece. He was mostly brought in to take up space when all the veterans get traded away. While I expect he will finish the year here, he could go to a contender as insurance for the right price. It wouldn’t be anything special, say a mid round pick or a long term project prospect.

LW/RW-Jesse Joensuu

After his first game, everyone though he was the next Lucic. Then he got injured and when he came back, reality hit. He’s a huge man who can fill in when injuries hit. Nothing more, nothing less. He is also signed for another year. If we can get a late pick for him, we’d consider ourselves lucky.

Now onto the guys that have next to no chance making it past the trade deadline in Oilers silks.

G-Ilya Bryzgalov

He started off playing better than we had seen all year. But then with the addition of Scrivens, he brought his game to a new level. He has played very decent and given his team a chance to win every start he’s earned. it is rumored that he was offered a one year contract, but rejected it. So he’s as good as gone. Which in all fairness, he has earned. I could see him going to a few teams as insurance. those teams include: Columbus, Minnesota, New York Rangers and Washington. All could use a veteran backup, as insurance. I could see a mid range prospect coming back our way, or a third round pick.

D-Nick Schultz

When he played in Minnesota he excelled in the defense first system they orchestrated. He was used to guide younger players and was good at. Then he was brought here to be used in the same role. It never really worked out that way. He was used over his head, seemed to lose his confidence and never regained it. While not having a even a decent tenure in Edmonton, solid veterans are always needed this time of year. He wouldn’t fetch more than a third or even fourth round pick, but every asset helps. Some teams really need help on the back end due to injuries are Boston, Minnesota, Ottawa and Pittsburgh.

D-Corey Potter

Honestly, if we get a sixth rounder I’d be surprised. He has been a disaster since signing that two year extension. He is nothing more than a depth defender.

LW/RW-Ryan Jones

The exact type of player most teams like to add at the deadline. He’s a gritty bottom six winger who can add in offense every once in a while. He’s gotten back to his ways that earned him a couple of extensions here. This only helps slightly increase his value on the trade market. The fact he doesn’t look out of place in short stints in the top six helps his value. Another player that could bring back as high as a third round draft pick or good prospect. A player like this could end up on any team in the NHL, going to the highest bidder.

D-Anton Belov

A tale of two players. More often than not being a player that seems to be a bust. He has the size, physicality and howitzer we have needed since Souray. He just can’t seem to get it together. While a player that has ran out of runway in Edmonton, another team looking for depth will take a chance on him. It’s worth taking note that the Oilers were one of quite a few teams trying to lure him here. He could be added to a team as a depth defender this year, with aspirations of being a project player. Pittsburgh was rumored to be another team who offered him a contract so he could end up with the Penguins. Other teams that could be interested could be Boston, Washington, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal. He’s not going to bring back too much of a return, maybe along the line of a mid round draft pick.

RW-Ales Hesmky

The final player is the best one to be leaving. When on his game, Hemsky’s speed and skill is world class. he just drives fans crazy because it’s few and far between. He has improved his two way game, but his numbers have suffered in the process. He has found himself on the third line many times, while he is a top six winger. He’s going to bring us back the most of any of out soon to be UFA’s. While his value is debatable, one thing isn’t, he is very good in pressure situations. Just look at what he did the last time the Oilers made the playoffs, or most recently his Olympic performance. I do believe he will bring back more than most think. I suspect he could bring back as high as a second round pick as well as a high end prospect. Many speculate he will be a consolation price after the likes of Vanek and Callahan, I believe he will be targeted by a few teams exclusively. I could see him going to a few different places he previously has been linked to, if we retain some salary. Which could work in our favor and gain an extra asset in the process. He could end up upgrading a few different teams, by adding another offensive weapon to any arsenal. I think he could end up in Pittsburgh, LA, Boston, St.Louis, Anaheim, New York(Rangers), Tampa Bay or even Washington. While he has fallen out of favor with a lot in Oil Country, nobody can deny he can be a game changer.

The next few days could actually get pretty exciting here in Oil Country. Thank you so much for reading. It’s been a while since I’ve written anything, so agree, disagree or to bash leave a comment! You can also interact with me on twitter @shawn_kelemen

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