An Update on the Subban Rumours

Team Lithuania, 1992 European Olympic Qualifying Basketball Tournament

Is P. K. Subban an Oiler yet?


Will he be by the end of the weekend?


Last night Kris wrote about the Subban rumours. I also wrote yesterday about the difficulty of acquiring an elite defenceman. If you lack a true number one defenceman and one becomes available, you try like heck to get him.

So is a Subban-to-the-Oilers trade a real possibility?

Bob McKenzie threw cold water on the idea this morning:

Say it ain’t so, Bob!

But then we got this from Darren Dreger:

When McKenzie and Dreger disagree, I’ll usually side with the more reliable McKenzie. But then Kevin Weekes tweeted this:

Hmmmm. That’s even better than the rumoured deal of Leon Draisaitl and the 4th pick for Subban. To be honest, it’s in the realm of being too good to be true.

We wait.

Seinfeld Computer

I’ll be here at my computer refreshing Twitter all day.

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