Why I Write What I Write

The last year and a half, I’ve had the thrill of writing here at The Oilers Rig. When I started this blog in June of 2013, I never thought it would grow into what it has grown into today. I’ve been able to work with some great people and write about a team that, quite frankly, I love. Ask anyone who knows me, this hockey team is part of me.

This season, however, I’ve been especially critical of this organization, going after the owner, the management and the players. I’ve been critical, how can’t you be after nine seasons of mediocre play and playoff-less hockey. It’s arguably the worst stretch ever in the history of the NHL, of course I’m going to get angry, and of course I’m going to be negative.

I appreciate everyone who reads this blog, honest to goodness I really do, you guys and girls are all awesome. It’s a blast to see people coming here to read about this team, and it’s really fun to interact with those same people in the comments sections, on twitter and on facebook.

Recently, I wrote a piece on the current state of the team, and back in November I wrote a pretty angry open letter to the organization that I felt spoke for a number of fans. The responses to both were pretty good, and I’m grateful for that. Why am I bringing this up? Simple, I’ve had a lot of people ask me, why bother, why do you sit here and complain about this team, which you have no say over?

Why don’t you stop watching the games is another common question, and my personal favorite, you aren’t a real fan because you are frustrated. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I honestly love hearing people’s opinions, I think it’s valuable and I think it enhances the content. When you know what people want to read, you can better write.

The point I’m making here, is I’m telling everyone why I write what I write. Instead of responding to every single tweet, every single comment and every single facebook message or comment there.

I write critical stuff about this team, because I love this team. The Edmonton Oilers are my favorite sports team, ahead of the New England Patriots, the Boston Red Sox and the Boston Celtics. This team is the one that I shell the most money out for, go out of my way to watch, and maintain a blog that, honestly, does take a lot of time.

I enjoy it however, and I absolutely love it. This team has, over the years, become a part of me to a big degree. Ask any of my friends, even my family, and they know I’m the die-hard Oiler fan. You’ll rarely find me not wearing something Oilers, and I’ll admit I struggle to get through a day without talking about this team to someone that, quite frankly, couldn’t careless (Sorry friends!)

There is nothing more I want than for this hockey team to be good. I’d kill (okay not really but you get what I mean..) to see another playoff game featuring this team. I’d go crazy for another run like that faithful spring of 2006, when I truly fell in love with this team as a 12 year old kid in Boston.

I don’t enjoy writing pieces blasting the owner, the GM, the coach, the defense, the goalie, it isn’t fun. The reason I write it? It’s the only relevant thing to talk about right now, and fixing some of those issues is the only way this team will become what we all want it to be, a good and competitive team that we can all be proud of.

I’m not sure how relevant this piece really is to a number of people, but it has been something that has been on my chest and something I feel like I should put out there. I write about this team because I love this team, and I want it to be successful again. I put my opinions out there and hope you all enjoy them, I’m not here to make personal attacks on anyone in the organization, I’m just here to be critical of the hockey operations work that is done.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll gladly post an eating crow article about MacT, Lowe and company next season if it’s deserved, but I won’t write all rainbows and sunshine right now because I’m a fan.

Just felt like I needed to get that out there. Enjoy Wednesday my friends.

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