Your Christmas List

Just some reminders before the rapture:

We’re still waiting for a winner to our contest in which a wonderful Mets DVD set is the prize. It’s as easy as recognizing three Mets voices. We’ve been waiting or two months to find a winner, and one voice is tripping everybody up. If you can recognize it, and the other two, you win! Go here for details.

A good friend of mine who does a sports talk show is counting down to his appearance in the 2013 Mets Fantasy Camp by counting down 30 random games chosen by the scorecards he pulls out of his basement. Go here to count down along with him! And go here to listen to clips from the big radio show, which is live on WLIE 540 AM every Sunday night at 7pm. (The guy who does the baseball report is kind of a loser, but whatever.)

We haven’t had a Mets fan working the MLB Fan Cave yet. You can change that. Go here to apply for the chance to watch baseball along fans of other teams … and then piss them off with ridiculous trade ideas for sport.

So if this is the last time you hear from me before Christmas: Have a happy and merry one, don’t drive drunk, and if a Mayan tries to sell you a 2013 calendar with R.A. Dickey on it, run like hell.

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