2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup: Washington DC Bars And Restaurants To Stay Open 24 Hours

2023 FIFA Women's World Cup

Because the FIFA World Cup competition is to soccer fans what the Super Bowl is to football fans, the Washington DC Council has enacted an ordinance to allow bars and restaurants to stay open 24 hours during the 2023 Women’s World Cup competition from July 20 through August 20, 2023.

It is true that the time difference will be significant, between 14 and 16 hours, when the matches kick off from Australia and New Zealand.

That means some key matches will be starting at 3:00 AM EDT.

However, the one wrinkle in the DC ordinance is that no alcoholic beverages can be served between 4:00 AM and 6:00 AM EDT.

How is that going to go over with jubilant soccer fans gathered at the bar to watch a 3:00 AM match?

Will Other Cities Follow Suit?

Social media was very receptive to this idea.

Many people wanted to know if other cities will adopt a similar ordinance for overnight operations.

DC Council member Kenyan McDuffie said:

“This event takes place every four years and is a Super Bowl-type sporting event for soccer fans. Local soccer fans are expected to watch the 2023 Women’s World Cup tournament regardless of the hour.”

No one has discussed what employees will be compensated for these unusual hours, but it would be interesting to learn if there will be a premium wage.

What About The Australian Open And The Olympics?

Is this the beginning of a trend?

World Cup soccer is not the only sport that occurs at a different timezone.

Each January, professional tennis holds its Australian Open in Melbourne.

Olympic games are held all over the world in timezones that require Americans to either wake up in the wee hours of the morning or watched prerecorded action later in the day.

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