Bill Belichick wrote a letter endorsing Donald Trump

Buffalo Bills v New England Patriots

A wild rumor has been confirmed—New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick indeed wrote a letter endorsing Donald Trump.

This started as a mere rumor, with the letter itself almost so silly in its verbiage it had to be fake.

According to Steve Burton of WBZ TV in Boston, it’s real:

Tom E. Curran of also confirmed the letter is real.

The letter itself is…interesting:

Belichick isn’t alone—apparently Tom Brady himself also endorsed Trump per McKay Coppins of BuzzFeed News:

Brady and Trump have a long, documented friendship, so this isn’t much of a shock. Being the secretive person that he is, though, the Belichick development is a bit of interesting new information.

For now, this is the most notable election bombshell from the sporting world. Given this is election day, though, something seems to suggest we’re just getting started.

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