If you are an avid cycler or planning to become one, you know how important it is to have all the right safety gear. Your gear is not just composed of your bike, outfit, and shoes, but also your protective gear. The most important item that you will have to buy would probably be your bike helmet. It does not matter if you are just biking around the park or going up a mountain, a bike helmet should be an essential item that you bring with you all the time as it will keep your head safe.

According to statistics, injuries and deaths related to cycling are because of head injuries. That’s why a quality bike helmet is considered an investment. The thing with bike helmets is that there is not one type that answers the needs of all types of bikers. If you are looking for a bike helmet, here are some tips you should follow.
- Make sure that it has passed safety standards – First and foremost, you need to understand that there are so many bike helmets on the market today, and not all of them are made the same. Your first priority is to find something that you are sure will protect you in case of an accident. The best road bike helmet is not necessarily the most expensive one. Some of the features you need to find are ventilation, lightweight and of course it must provide maximum heap protection. It must pass the Consumer Product Safety Commission standards.
- Choose one that fits your riding style – Are you the type of rider who just likes to leisurely go around the park? Or perhaps you are a serious cyclist who may even want to go into competition. Typically, a bike helmet can fall under three umbrella categories. There are those that are for recreation, another for the road, and another for those who go mountain biking. If you only ride casually, the first choice is perfect for you as it provides basic protection for a very low cost. While the road bikes and mountain bike helmets can actually be interchanged, what makes the mountain bike different is that some styles have more protection for the back of the head. This is because most mountain bikers fall backward instead of forward.
Oct 5, 2017; Los Angeles, CA, USA; Los Angeles Dodgers starting pitcher Yu Darvish (21) walks his bike through the hallway after a ride prior to workouts for game 1 of the NLDS against the Arizona Diamondbacks at Dodger Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Jayne Kamin-Oncea-USA TODAY Sports - It needs to fit you well – Last but definitely not the least, the perfect bike helmet should fit you well. If it does not fit you well, it cannot protect you well, and in the case of a serious crash, it may be the difference between life and death. Aside from fitting well, it needs to feel comfortable, especially if you plan to go on bike rides that can take hours. When looking for a helmet, while it’s okay to do your research online, it would still be best to find a physical store where you can actually fit the helmet. There’s no way to tell if it will feel right and comfortable on your head until you actually try it.
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