Andrew Whitworth gifts bike to every student at LA elementary school

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Rams offensive lineman Andrew Whitworth gave back to the community in a big way on Tuesday.

Whitworth showed up to Grape Street Elementary School, which is located in Los Angeles, and surprised students with an amazing gesture.

The NFL veteran showed up with a truck full of over 550 bikes and helmets, all of which he purchased himself. Whitworth gave one to each of the school’s students, and they seemed to be very excited about the holiday gift they received.

Whitworth — who did this on his 36th birthday, no less — told Lindsey Thiry of the Los Angeles Times that he even bought the bikes from a few different stores so no single one would have run out, which would’ve prevented other people from purchasing one if they desired. That’s about as selfless as it gets.

Props to Whitworth for brightening the day for all those kids.

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