Golf is a favourite sport for many people around the world, but unfortunately it can also lead to injuries. Here are some tips on how to prevent injury when playing golf.
Develop a solid swing technique.
Golfers who play with a poor swing technique have an increased risk of injury due to the excessive stress placed on their back, shoulders, and elbows. By improving your swing technique, you can prevent injuries and pain due to the wrong movements.
Correct your posture.
No matter what activity or sport you carry out: Posture is always important to avoid back pain and prevent injuries to your spine. But when you are golfing it can be especially advisable to pay attention to the right posture, since this will also help improve your technique. Posture in sports is crucial since long-term injuries can result from standing or swinging the wrong way.
Use the appropriate equipment.
Another way that will allow you to prevent injuries is by using the right equipment. Pay attention to using the correct shoes and clubs. High quality clubs don’t have to necessarily be expensive. There are many putters available that are designed to support you in achieving the best techniques and offer a high value experience on the golf course.
Have a specific routine of stretching/flexibility exercises to perform prior to starting each round.
As is the case in any sport, stretching before hitting the golf course can allow your body to adjust to the task ahead. There are several stretching exercises which can specifically benefit golfers. Here are some examples of stretches that you could do before playing golf. Stretches are particularly useful for the following areas that can lead to serious injuries while playing golf.
What type of injuries are most common for golfers?
– back pain
– tennis/golf elbow
– tendinitis in wrist
Injuries could stem from many different situations. Accidents sustained from hitting roots on the ground are common, so it’s advisable to pay attention to objects that may present obstacles.
According to the website Stop Sport Injuries, approximately 44% of all injuries sustained while golfing are from overuse. The site lists the most important causes of those injuries as:
“Lack of flexibility, Poor conditioning, Excessive play or practice, Poor swing mechanics, Ground impact forces, Intermittent play”.
These are all areas to pay attention to. If you do injure yourself, try to get enough rest and don’t play until you are fully recovered.
If you have injured your back, consider getting a massage, or apply hot and cold packs, while alternating between the two. If your pain is severe, book a visit with a chiropractor or consider taking some pain medication. Ibuprofen can be effective at reducing inflammation.
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