Charles Barkley fires back at LeBron James over recent comments

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LeBron James eviscerated Charles Barkley with a strong rant last night, so it was only a matter of time until the outspoken former NBA player was going to respond.

He wasted very little time in doing so.

Barkley appeared on the “Waddle and Silvy” show, which airs on ESPN 1000 (Chicago), and gave his take on what James had to say.

Rachel Nichols provided the highlights from Chuck’s spot.

James did cross the line a bit with the personal shots he fired at Barkley, but Sir Charles isn’t innocent here, either. If you poke the bear enough, it’s going to come back and bite you in the behind. Still, though, he isn’t wrong about James being “whiny,” and certainly isn’t the first person to say that.

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