Kevin Durant reveals why he cursed out heckling fan

NBA: Golden State Warriors at Dallas Mavericks

Warriors forward Kevin Durant continues to be in the news for all the wrong reasons this month, after having gotten into it with Draymond Green during last Monday’s overtime loss to the Clippers.

Durant claims that beef was squashed, but he also got into an additional verbal altercation during Saturday’s game against the Mavericks — this time with a fan. Durant blasted the fan, who was courtside, with some f-bombs, as you can see below.

KD was fined $25,000 by the league for his outburst this week, but he doesn’t appear to have any remorse. Durant defended his actions in speaking to Chris Haynes of Yahoo Sports about the incident on Wednesday.

“Grown men can’t come to the game and heckle grown men,” he said. “That’s corny. That’s weak. You’re coming to a game to heckle another grown man. ‘You soft! You weak! Draymond this, Draymond that, you a b—-.’ You’re going to sleep doing that as a grown man to another person?”

Sure, Durant does raise a good point, but fans have been heckling athletes on the court for years. It’s nothing new. He needs to just grow up and deal with it, just like so many others in his shoes have over the years.

It’s not like he’s the first to be heckled during games — Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James faced just as much as KD, if not more. Deal with it.

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