Phil Jackson, Jeanie Buss break off engagement

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Some surprising news came via Phil Jackson’s Twitter account Tuesday night, when it was announced that he and Lakers team president Jeanie Buss would be ending their engagement, effective immediately.

Buss had this to say about it afterward.

Jackson and Buss have been together for quite a while, actually. The two began dating in 1999, and continued to stay together even after Jackson took the job with the Knicks, which many thought would split them apart. It didn’t, at least not then, and the two have been engaged for four years. But the Romeo and Juliet (Lakers vs Knicks) relationship seemingly could not last.

Buss would likely be a hot commodity on the dating market if she wants to be. She’s a powerful, intelligent, savvy woman, and, most importantly, could hook any potential up with some pretty awesome Lakers seats.

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