Rajon Rondo wants to coach after he retires, and that’s laughable

Chicago Bulls v New York Knicks

Bulls point guard Rajon Rondo is one of the biggest headcases in the NBA, and has jumped around from team to team. Chicago has been trying to move him for awhile now, but unfortunately can’t find a suitor, being that Rondo has already played for like one-third of the league’s teams.

Rondo has said he wants to play for five or six more years, which really doesn’t seem likely, because he’s running out of teams at this point. He’s thrown teammates and coaches under the bus, and it’s not a stretch to say he’s a locker-room cancer.

But here’s the funny thing about that: He says he wants to coach a team one day. And not just as an assistant, he wants to lead a team as its head coach, according to K.C. Johnson of the Chicago Tribune.

“I absolutely want to coach,” Rondo said in the Bulls locker room following Tuesday’s 99-98 loss to the Dallas Mavericks.

“I’ve been preparing to coach since I left Boston, really,” Rondo said. “I study all of my coaches. I watch the way they move, the timeouts they call, plays they draw up out of timeouts, how they run practices, speeches they give. I’m trying to follow it all. I see how players gravitate toward different coaches.

“I actually went back (to Louisville) a couple (of) days ago and saw my high school coach (Doug Bibby). He’s one of the best: his delivery, how he encourages players, the confidence he gives them, his attention to detail in timeouts. I’m taking my notes on a lot of different stuff.”

Rondo can’t get along with his teammates, but he’s going to lead a young team as its head coach? Not buying this.

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