Stephen Jackson blasts Gregg Popovich for ‘disrespect’ that got him waived

San Antonio Spurs v New York Knicks

For NBA fans with a good memory, Stephen Jackson’s stint with the San Antonio Spurs was an odd one.

This went down in 2012-13, with Jackson actually getting released from the team right before the playoffs. The world didn’t necessarily know the full story behind the oddly-timed release, but coach Gregg Popovich works in mysterious ways.

Jackson, however, just decided to shed some light on the situation on The Dan LeBatard Show, according to Jeff Garcia of News4SA:

“In San Antonio when I was asked to say other players were better than me to help their confidence so they can play better. That was the most disrespectful thing that I’ve ever heard from any coach in my life. But at the same time was dealing with the smartest coach I ever met in my life.”

“I want you to basically admit that these guys are better than you and we need them going forward to the playoffs. And I would not do it,” expanded Jackson on his talk with Pop.

“That’s when I got waived right before the playoffs in San Antonio. He [Popovich] asked me to do it and I told him I could not do it.

“I walked out.”

This is an odd situation all around. Jackson had only appeared in 19.5 minutes per game over 55 appearances in the regular season before his release. He averaged 6.2 points as a notable depth role player.

Popovich asking the veteran to help motivate younger players isn’t too surprising, though the alleged manner is. Most players probably wouldn’t fulfill such a request, so Jackson’s reaction doesn’t seem too ridiculous if the story is true.

Rest assured this isn’t the last the sports world will hear about this one. Reporters are sure to ask Pop about it, and knowing him, he’ll drop a money quote everyone will want to hear.

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