TBT Welcomes Tmuson to the staff and while we are at it lets clear the air one last time.

TBT Welcomes Tmuson to the staff and while we are at it lets clear the air one last time.

First off let me assure you while Tmusons is considered a classic writer of all things blue and very desirable as a featured writer to any site, we did nothing to encourage Mr Musons recent decision of leaving obnugs(one Bronco Nation Under George Soros). In fact we were completely unaware of his displeasure with onbugs until we received this message from him “I will no longer be a member of obnug” upon hearing this I like everyone in the world were somewhat taken back as to me this had come right out of the blue , we didn’t not concern ourselves as to the why’s , but I can assure you it had nothing to do with obnugs relationship with daily kos and George Soro’s as Mr. Munson was completely unaware of the connection and all his political desire to control every aspect of American media in his efforts to control the voice of the people. I will address this issue one finally time later but first lets talk about Mr. Musons future here at theblueturf.com.

Mr. Munson brings a wealth of life experience to go along with his wit and advance education, not all of his writing will be meant for the masses much like Dennis Miller his work requires a somewhat advanced intellect to full appreciate.  To enhance his writings there will be some collaboration on his future work at his direction to include more audio and visual enhancement so more of the general public might see more clearly the points and experiences his words attempt to convey.

Tmunson in my view does very well at this by trying to expand on his words by giving the reader something they can relate to a movie scene a song or even a past historical event. Not everyone has had the years nor the opportunity to take in all these reference points he alludes to in his writing so we will attempt to add these audio visual events to his post so the reader my be able completely understand his message, I believe this will greatly set Mr. Munsons future work apart from his past work and other sports blogger you will find around the web. I know I certainly look forward to working with T on all his past and future works. For those that may have read some of T’s prior works know that many of them will be republished with these enhancements and updates so something you might have read in the past by T may bring a new meaning in future publishing, but be assured Mr. Munson will have complete editorial control over what is represented on his pages.

I cannot speak to why Mr Munson chose to leave obnugs those he has expressed himself well to me the reasons while he reserves the right that it remains privet. However now might be as good as time as any to more fully explain my first remarks and my departure for those just now learning of my separation.

Let me first say I believe Kevan and Drew to be exceptional writers, with great ability and love for all things Boise State. I certainly hope they achieve their dreams of becoming profession reporters as I believe them both to be very capable of doing so. Personal difference should never get in the way of truth and as far as writing goes those are the truths of both Kevan and Drew in my opinion. I believe however from correspondence with Kevan and Drew that they never truly took my real and heart felt complements as being serious and actually took them the wrong way and were offended by them when I made them at obnugs. I can see how that could happen it’s not like we know each other or our thoughts. That all being said when a couple issues came up one being in the pic below I began to wonder if there was a total lack of respect.

TBT Welcomes Tmuson to the staff and while we are at it lets clear the air one last time.


As you can see in the picture above this is obnugs official youtube account and the one and only comment on the site not only reveals my real name but attempts to slander me as well, as you can also see this comment is six months old preceding my departure from obnugs by almost 5 months.

I had pointed this out to Kevan Drew and Nick on several occasions only on one occasion did I get a response that it would be removed only later I found it was not, so I again referred it to them to no avail.

I didn’t hear back from them until I was suspended from the site over 3 picture in a video, those pictures were 2 of Obama Bowing and one of the fruit cake that used to be on MSNBC, 3 pictures with no caption 3 pictures that were front page worldwide, 3 picture that took up a total of 12 seconds of a 369 second video. This banning and post removed took place 4 days after it was posted and the only political talk on the thread that was made was by a suspect member who had made 8 post over a 3 year period, who took offense to the using of Obama Bowing in my personal video.

I’m a suspicious person by my very nature always asking why? Certainly with as diverse as personalities not everyone is going to like each other that can be clearly seen on a thread I made about the obnug weekly as a couple of posters made negative comments such as attention seeking, the fact that it was in the off season helping to keep people bonded to the site and conversation going giving people a sense of family and association with the thread went right over these posters heads and again when you looked at who these posters were they were seldom active members  who obviously had an axe to grind.

So left to my own devises and after making some friend ships with some Dawg fans I spent my time there however brief that turned out, you see someone there posted a pic basically saying all a graduate at Boise State gets is a good football team and that their degree is worthless. So I posted a pic of Forbes article highlighting Boise as being the best place to start a career and or a Business in America and pointed out Atlanta wasn’t even close, this it turns out was the last straw and I was prenatally banned.

Now that as it turned out to be a huge mistake and let me explain why. 1. It gave me all kinds of time on my hands 2. Tryler King is a fraud, allow me to explain, there is a reason I’m so hated by my enemies I play much dirtier then they only not in public. With time on my hands and the tools and the means to learn things I went about finding out just who owns the dawgsports and sure enough it was tyler king ok so who’s tyler king of the dawg sport.. OMG!! He’s a Oakland A’s  sports blogger who’s never lived in Georgia has no attachment to Georgia in any way none zero zip? There is more he’s also a blogger for the daily Kos a George Soro’s  anti American leftist media blog but it gets even deeper when you go down the rabbit hole, turns out Tlyer King isn’t just the domain owner of Dawgs sports but by contract he actually owns obnugs as well you see Tyler King is the second in command at SBNation right behind guess who? The guy that started the Daily Kos for George Soro’s.

Don’t believe here’s a New York Time article about SBNation and how it started and came in to being


Guess whose pic is on the cover? You guessed it that’s Tyler King sitting next to the founder of the Daily Kos!

TBT Welcomes Tmuson to the staff and while we are at it lets clear the air one last time.

No I’m no Glenn Beck disciple but I sure as hell ain’t supporting not one penny to anything that supports George Soros and his efforts to tear down America and control opinions he doesn’t agree with. I must tell you my stomach turned upon learning these facts and they are facts hard facts.

I’m not making a damn thing up here folks this all 100% verifiable, as well as to how SBnation formed their network of blogs and this is where I really feel sorry for Kevan and Drew because I do not believe for the life of me they knew any of this when they signed a pack with the devil, I’m sure all they knew was A. improved site format, free hosting ,free IT, and money too because with George Soros dollars they were able to put together is short order media advertising deals that would flow money like they had never seen before. But there is just one huge down side to this agreement, though you own all your content you give up your domain, if you leave the domain stays behind and that folks is an anchor around the boys head. They are stuck even if they wanted out they can never use obnugs it’s not theirs anymore, and that is important as the domain name alone at this point is worth more than all the content, It’s how you get found through search engines it’s what people have saved to favorites without it they would be starting over from scratch not a very good proposition.

So now you know the rest of the story, true I maybe political, true I have strong views but I will never attempt to shut someone down because they disagree with me, I respect many people who have opposing views some of my best friends and I don’t agree on thing political and I respect their point of view , it’s when others are intolerant of opposing views that discourse becomes a problem all civility is lost as well as respect so I ask you after reading all this and knowing the facts of SBnations creation as well as the lack of respect shown me by leaving up personal info and slanderous remarks why would I ever visit obnugs again let alone post there?


Lastly for a site that has as much traffic as obnugs gets I must say the Soros folks will find it quite inexcusable for it to have taken 14 hours to take down T’s last thread, that’s either a sign they themselves are not happy with their arrange meant or a gross lack of institutional control, I find it hard to believe it’s the later.

TBT Welcomes Tmuson to the staff and while we are at it lets clear the air one last time.


Welcome to wonderland!!!


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