Miscellaneous Minutiae

First up, some minor notes:

Hey, did you notice this today? Comic on DOY!

Haven’t posted much of late, been busy busting blogger stereotypes from not my basement, but I have been keeping track of the Sharks, uh, moves.

I’ll be disappearing come November, on account of having a newborn to care for, so I’ll try to find someone to guest post until I can sleep well enough to remember how to form coherent sentences with words. That someone may end up being one of my cats. I promise nothing in the way of quality.

Also, isn’t it a shame that the western conference decided not to play the third round? Just a damn shame, that.


Back to Shark news, the org has been pretty underwhelming so far this off season. Admittedly, they can’t do much until after the playoffs are over because the League frowns upon things like news getting in the way of whatever team their currently fellating on air, but they did announce a new arena deal. So there’s that.

Hasso is totally not firing Doug Wilson, which is beyond disappointing but not surprising. Wilson seems to have really sold him on his rebuilding plan, which in funny considering how poorly it went last season. Who the hell rebuilds with John Scott and Mike Brown?

Todd McLellan left, likely having seen the writing on the wall, and went to Edmonton. I’m not sure what’s more depressing, having to move out of the Bay Area or coaching Edmonton. On the upside, he’s finally out of the shit show that has apparently become the Sharks locker room.

The team interviewed Mike Babcock, and for a bit there it looked like they might even land him, but then reality hit and he went to the Leafs. They threw bags of money at him. Buffalo did too, but he chose the Leafs and I’m not surprised. I was more surprised when it seemed like he might actually end up with the Sharks. They aren’t they type of team I could really see him wanting to coach.

I’m really not sure what this team is going to do over the summer, if it makes any moves at all, but I am sure they’ll be vexxing as hell. I’ll do my best to cover it in a relatively timely manner now that I’m mostly over spending my days puking my guts out as my toddler watches and screams in horror. I’ll even toss in some cartoons, just because I’m awesome like that.

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