Poop Rainbows and Get the Win

Hola Sharks fans,

Getting this post up a bit later than I had intended to, with just 90 minutes to go before game time. It’s been a busy few days for me, which helped pass the long period of no hockey time, but didn’t make for such a great schedule for blogging. ANYWAY, the long wait between games 2 and 3 is finally over, and we can rejoice in knowing the Sharks will soon take to the ice.

I wanted to post something uplifting, though, it would have been better to do that earlier, but whatever. Anyway, look, here’s the deal: YES, the Sharks are down 2-0 in the Cup Final, but they aren’t dead yet. They can easily win two games here at home, and that’s not just homerism talking. They haven’t been outplayed by much. Keep in mind these games have all been close, and the Sharks were one unlucky bounce away from winning game 2. They still aren’t quite matching the Pens speed, but the biggest issue is that they’ve not been able to fully adjust their style. They’re so close to beating the Pens every time, but there’s just a few little things here and there that aren’t connecting, and it does them in. BUT THEY CAN DO THIS.

No, really.

They can.

Take these 2 and home and it’s a whole new series. This has the potential to go 7, even if none of the pundits see that. Sure, it might end in 4, that’s a real possibility, but I chose to focus on the possibility that it doesn’t. This could be a great comeback, and wouldn’t that be the most amazing end to this ride ever? So let’s think happy thoughts, poop rainbows*, and get a win in games 3 and 4. Then it’ll be a whole new ballgame.


Go Sharks!


*thanks to @zombieskittles for the phrase

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