Goodell Hands Down Sissy Slap on Wrist for Patriots

The NFL has punished Bill Belicheat and the New England Patriots, if you want to even call it punishment. From ESPN:

Belichick Fined; Pats Lose Pick

The NFL slapped Bill Belichick with a maximum fine of $500,000 Thursday night; fined the Pats $250,000 and will take away their 2008 first-round draft choice if they reach the playoffs; or second- and third-round picks if they do not qualify for the playoffs.

You gotta be kidding me, that’s it? The Commish crumbled on this one, this is a sissy slap on the wrist. The Patriots should have been ineligible for the playoffs in 2008, stripped of their 1st round pick in 2008, 2nd and 3rd in 2009, and given surprise in game audits to see if they are still cheating. $250,000 is nothing for the team, should have been a couple of million. This is a multi-million dollar franchise.

To the Commissioner, BOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I hope all the teams that host the Patriots BOO the crap out of them. What a joke, a farce of a team. Who knows how far back this goes.

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