What is 9?

Remember that movie “The Number 23“, that starred Jim Carrey, in which he posed the question, “What is 23?” If you saw the movie you know what I’m talking about. Basically the movie is about His obsession with the number 23 starts to consume him.

In my boredom this evening I’ve created my own obsession with the number 9. And like Jim Carrey in his movie, I found my self asking, “what is 9?”

I ran with it and came up with these numbers based on Romo’s #9 and our WR’s, and it all relates to our teams of the ’90s. Eerie, yet strange and extremely fascinating.






Romo’s current age, 27 divided by 9 = 3, the amount of Super Bowls* won in the ’90s

Super Bowl XXVII MVP was Aikman 8 + 9 = 17, Jason Garrett

What does all this craziness mean? It means whatever you think it could mean, it could mean nothing, or it could mean everything. Is this unit destined for the same success that we enjoyed in the ’90s?

Spread the word! You heard it here first.

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