Hatcher Finally Getting Recognized

It’s about time DC.com had a headlining article on Jason Hatcher. I’ve been on the Hatcher bandwagon since his rookie season. You can go back in my archives and check yourself. For those in need of joining a bandwagon, look no further than Jason Hatcher. This guy is a playmaker, and has been a playmaker for awhile now.

Like I said in my last article, starting Hatcher should be a premium if we’re going to stop teams on their opening drives. Teams have been able to run and pass down our throats in every game. There isn’t sufficient pressure from the front 3, but adding Hatcher to these opening drives can be the answer we need.

With Ellis complimenting Ware, Hatcher’s pressure could be a good compliment to the other guys upfront too. Bradie James gives us his thoughts on Hatcher:

“He’s always rushed the passer real well, but now he’s learning to be more physical in the run game,” Cowboys inside linebacker Bradie James said of Hatcher’s development. “When he comes in with that second line, we expect not to have a letdown, and at times we’ve even gotten more.

“Now he’s stepping up, and hope he continues to do what he’s been doing. We substitute in waves, and they have that freshness going when they come in.”(dc.com)

Hatcher has a knack for the football, is is always looking for the sack or big play. Hatcher has been making big plays this season, and he knows it. He has the hunger and desire to contribute; moreover, with his recent big plays, he definitely wants more action, and I agree

“I need to get some more opportunities to rush the passer,” Hatcher said of the strides he still needs to make. “Greg Ellis came back and he’s doing a great job. He took my spot when he came back but he’s a great player so he deserves it.

“I just want to get more opportunities in the pass rush.” (dc.com)

I think Hatcher is really getting more opportunities with this new defensive scheme and new coaches. I don’t know if Parcells held Hatcher back while he was here, but this current regime is working Hatcher in more and more. Coach Stewart gives us an interesting quote here:

“Jason Hatcher has been doing a great job,” said defensive coordinator Brian Stewart, who came to the Cowboys from San Diego with Phillips. “When I first came in . . . I thought he was a very good player, and was a very good young player and that we could do some things to utilize him being such a good athlete.

“He’s been able to make plays when he’s been in, and I’m not surprised. Maybe we need to play him a little bit more.” (dc.com)

Yes Coach Stewart, you do need to play Hatcher, but NOT just a litte bit more, ALOT more. He’s clearly outplayed Marcus Spears, I’ve seen it for years, fans have called for Hatcher to start for as well, and the time is now. Let’s get him out there on opening drives and get him more chances to rush the passer – Hatcher will get it done.

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