Cowboys Knockout Giants 31-20, Penalties Remain…

Cowboys Knockout Giants 31-20, Penalties Remain...We already knew the Cowboys would win this game, but penalties made this game closer than what it should have been. Penalties have been our crux ALL year long, and against better teams we won’t have a chance. So, fix the penalties or call it in. 8-1 or not, penalties like the ones we had last night will not hold up against real teams like the Colts, Patriots, Steelers or Packers.

I like the win last night, but man, we have alot of concentration issues, and I’m not sure these will get resolved. We’re past the half way mark and the same story over and over again, stupid penalties. There’s not a team out there that has been us this year, we are the real deal, the Patriots did not beat us either, we beat ourselves into the ground with poor decisions and horrible penalties. There isn’t a team out there that we cant beat, we have to overcome the penalties


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