Can Russell Westbrook keep up strong play without fatigue eventually setting in?

Oklahoma City Thunder v Phoenix Suns

Oklahoma City Thunder point guard Russell Westbrook is one of a kind. An athletic freak with a motor that never stops.

It’s truly surprising that in almost nine seasons of playing in the NBA he hasn’t run out of gas. He’s like the Energizer bunny in human form. Point guards aren’t supposed to be able to block shots in the paint or battle with bigs for rebounds or throw down monstrous slams, but Westbrook does all of those things. Here are a few examples from this season:

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There’s no question Westbrook expends a ton of energy making plays like these on a nightly basis. And as the star player on the Thunder, he’s averaging a little more than 34 minutes per game. Over the course of an 82-game season, that’s going to take a toll on the body no matter how good of shape you’re in, especially this season.

With Kevin Durant leaving for greener pastures in the offseason, Westbrook has been forced to do more than ever for the Thunder. For example, there’s still 10 games left in the regular season and Westbrook already has 118 more rebounds and 340 more points than he did last season. Not to mention the league-high 1,690 field goals he has attempted this season, which is 322 more than the next closest player.

Keep in mind, too, the Thunder will more than likely make the playoffs this season, which means Westbrook is about to play even more minutes per game. That fatigue might set in late in the season for him is totally understandable and expected. It will be interesting to see what Westbrook’s stamina is like in the playoffs this year without Durant at his side. It hasn’t been an issue so far in the regular season, as evidenced by his triple-double average, but the postseason might be different.

Can Russell Westbrook keep up strong play without fatigue eventually setting in?About Marcelo Villa

Marcelo is an associate editor at The Sports Daily, and has covered the San Diego Chargers for Bleacher Report. He also writes for Sportsdirect Inc.

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