Steve Nash skewered Donald Trump on Twitter


President Donald Trump is one of the least popular people in the United States right now, and many other celebrities have been teeing off on him.

It’s been going on since he was elected, but in the wake of the Charlottesville protests, things have gotten even worse. For some reason, Trump has been labeled some sort of a scapegoat for not acting, even though the actions were the work of the Ku Klux Klan and Antifa.

And now we can add former NBA player Steve Nash to that list.

Nash hadn’t tweeted in a few days, and then he came back with this gem on Tuesday.

For the record, I was at Trump Winery last Wednesday, and his grape juice is pretty damn good. And I didn’t really see him defending white supremacists, but that’s subjective, I guess.

It’s popular to bash Trump — I get that — but let’s judge him by his actions, rather than with baseless accusations.

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