Joe Maddon pokes umpire, gets ejected and could face suspension (VIDEO)

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Joe Maddon is usually cool, calm and collected, and tends to keep a level head during most games. But at the same time, he’s a players’ manager, and he’ll stick up for his guys if he feels they’re being screwed over.

The Cubs seemed to fall victim to a poor call during Wednesday night’s game, at a time when it mattered most. Chicago and Cincinnati were tied 6-6, with the Cubs having men on first and second. Ben Zobrist was at the plate, and he squared up to bunt, but then got drilled by a pitch.

Unfortunately, the ump ruled that Zobrist didn’t pull his bat back far enough, and called a strike.

Maddon then went berserk on two separate umpires, getting up close and personal — as well as making contact — with both.

It seems likely that he’ll be suspended for at least a game because of his actions.

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