5 Tips to Healing a Blood Blister


Blood blisters: What are they and how to get rid of them is the first thing one rushes to search on the internet when they believe they have a blood blister. That’s because blood blisters are painful and irritating. To help you deal with them better in the future, here are 5 things you should know about blood blisters.

  1. They can affect any part of your body

Most people get blood blisters on the hands and toes and have come to associate them with these body parts.  But blood blisters can affect other parts of the body including the mouth. As such, if you get a blood blister at a body part where you weren’t expecting one, don’t get alarmed. It’s normal, and after a while, it will disappear. Just take a painkiller to ease the discomfort.

  1. They can be a symptom to some serious medical problems

While blood blisters are a common thing, they can also be a pointer to some deeper medical issues. For instance, a blood blister in the genitals could be a symptom of genital herpes or some other STI.  Therefore, while you can ignore a blood blister on your feet or the fingers, one on the genitals or other sensitive parts of the body should trigger you to seek medical advice. The last thing you want is to ignore a serious medical condition by assuming that it is just a normal blood blister.

  1. It’s easy to remove them

Unless they affect a sensitive part of the body such as the genitalia, blood blisters are easy to deal with. Simply prick them with a needle, and remove the blood that is trapped under the skin. You may also choose to leave out the blood blister, and it will disappear over time. However, if you choose to remove it with a needle, ensure that it is sterilized. That’s because a dirty needle can cause health complications that are way bigger than the little blood blister inconvenience that you were trying to remove.

  1. Blood blisters take about 2 weeks to heal

Blood blisters usually don’t require any treatment. Though they are uncomfortable and painful, they usually disappear after about 2 weeks. However, they can take longer for individuals with compromised immunity, but they still heal anyway. You can also enhance the healing process by constantly rubbing the blister area with warm water. The healing process can also be hastened by using herbs. Just do a google search on different herbs that are useful in dealing with blood blisters.

  1. Blood blisters are avoidable

Blood blisters are avoidable, and it’s very easy to avoid them. For instance, feet blood blisters can be avoided by wearing shoes that fit well. Hand blisters are avoidable if you wear gloves, when engaging in activities that involve lots of friction. Resting in between work when dealing with strenuous tasks can also help you avoid blood blisters. Basically, it’s one of the most avoidable problems, but many people still find themselves dealing with it regularly.

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